The first national standard issued in the field of agricultural ecological environment damage in China

2024-04-22 09:31 Source: Guangming Daily
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The first national standard issued in the field of agricultural ecological environment damage in China

09:31, April 22, 2024     Source: Guangming Daily     Yang Diao Lei

Guangming Daily, Beijing, April 21 (Reporter Yang Shu, Zhang Lei) Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, formulated and released the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Identification and Assessment of Ecological Environment Damage - Ecosystem Part 1: Farmland Ecosystem". This is the first national standard issued in the field of agricultural ecological environmental damage in China, which can consolidate and ensure the stability and stability of agricultural product quality and safety from the system, solve the long-standing "identification difficulty" and other problems in agricultural environmental public interest litigation cases from the perspective of the rule of law, and provide key support for the full protection of the people's "tip of the tongue safety".

Farmland is the basis of food production, and a good farmland ecosystem is the basic guarantee of food security, which is related to the "tip of the tongue security" of the masses. However, in recent years, environmental damage to farmland ecosystem caused by environmental pollution and ecological destruction still occurs from time to time. Due to the lack of technical standards and basis, different appraisal institutions adopt different technologies and processes to carry out appraisal and assessment after the occurrence of environmental damage to farmland ecosystem, resulting in different appraisal results or even opposite appraisal opinions, and also in the loss assessment.

In order to solve the above problems and improve the management level of environmental damage incidents, the National Technical Committee for Environmental Management Standardization issued a standard formulation project in 2020, which was led by the Environmental Protection Research and Monitoring Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas. The standard stipulates the contents, working procedures, methods and technical requirements of farmland ecosystem damage identification and assessment, and standardizes the damage investigation, causality analysis, loss assessment, recovery plan preparation and recovery effect assessment of farmland ecosystem.

In terms of solving the "identification difficulty", the national standard issued this time proposed that the baseline level of identification should be confirmed in accordance with the sequence of control data, historical data, standard threshold, expert opinions and special research. The farmland ecosystem is a semi artificial ecosystem, which is subject to a lot of human disturbance and has great differences between years. During the identification process, it is often difficult to obtain the historical data of the past three years, and the authenticity of the historical data is difficult to verify, while the comparison data is relatively easy to obtain and intuitive, which greatly reduces the difficulty of identification.

In the key technical link of identification and assessment of farmland ecosystem damage, the national standard issued this time refers to the relevant content of the issued industry standard in the agricultural environmental damage identification and assessment standard system, which not only avoids the standard "fighting", basis conflict and other issues, but also unifies and classifies the originally scattered industry standards, It is a milestone in improving the standard system.

Guangming Daily (April 22, 2024, Edition 03)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)