Shanxi creates an "upgraded version" of rural tourism

2024-04-22 09:27 Source: Xinhuanet
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Shanxi creates an "upgraded version" of rural tourism

09:27, April 22, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, April 21 (Reporter Wang Yijing) Recently, reporters learned from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shanxi Province that in order to focus on the development of culture and tourism, enable rural revitalization, promote the prosperity of rural culture and high-quality development of tourism industry, the province will implement the "six improvements and six innovations" action around products, culture, services, management, landscape, and publicity, cultivate and guide new business forms and new models, Go out of the new path of "cultural tourism+" and create an "upgraded version" of rural tourism.

In terms of products, Shanxi will implement the action of "product upgrading, supply innovation", and optimize the structure of rural tourism products by improving the rural homestay system, exploring local characteristics of food, introducing rural characteristics of goods and other ways, guided by market demand, relying on green water and green mountains, local culture. For example, the province will build the brand of "Shanxi flavor local food", and pass on the flavor of Shanxi by making local products with characteristics, refined coarse grains and miscellaneous grains, green health medicine diet, and traditional dishes.

In terms of culture, Shanxi will implement the action of "culture refining and scene innovation", systematically sort out rural cultural resources, and create a new space for culture and tourism by cultivating research camps, building folk museum and other ways; Relying on agricultural culture, intangible cultural heritage projects, folk activities and other cultural resources, launch new cultural and tourism activities such as "Village Evening" and "Village Supermarket"; Optimize the new supply of culture and tourism by revitalizing and mining rural cultural and tourism resources, building online red card punching points, etc.

In terms of landscape, Shanxi will implement the action of "landscape improvement and benchmarking", strengthen the creation and three-dimensional construction of rural landscape such as mountains, flowers, farmland and fruit forests, and build a number of natural landscape brands of "ecology+village scenery+phenology" of Yellow River style, Great Wall frontier fortress, Taihang landscape.

In addition, Shanxi will also implement the actions of "improving service quality and supporting facilities to create excellence", "improving management efficiency and operating income", and "promoting promotion and brand creation" to improve the quality of rural tourism in terms of service, management and publicity.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)