Continuously improve the agricultural socialized service system

2024-04-19 09:29 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Continuously improve the agricultural socialized service system

09:29, April 19, 2024     Source: People's Daily    

  Let agricultural socialized services extend from production services to all factor services, and leave more value-added benefits of industrial chain and value chain to farmers and rural areas

Spring ploughing is seen in the black land. Ma Yunlong, the chairman of the Golden Land Cooperative in Zhaoguang Town, Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province, told a new story: "The land reclamation and the town work hand in hand to farm, and the farmers who grow grain benefit most from the good social services. The collection and purchase of agricultural materials reduce costs, mechanized operations improve benefits, and good laws and techniques help increase production. The output and benefits of the cooperative plots have significantly improved."

A set of data confirms Lao Ma's statement: this year is the fourth year for Zhao Guang Town and Zhao Guang Farm to carry out agricultural trusteeship cooperation. In 2023, the average yield of soybeans per mu of the cooperative plot in Bei'an City will be 410.7 jin, 120 jin higher than that in 2020; The corn yield per mu increased by 400 jin, and the yield increased by 40.3%. In the local area, the talents, agricultural machinery and agricultural technology resources are planned as a whole to show and lead the farmers. Many villagers expect this cooperation to continue to expand and improve quality.

The new practice of Bei'an City is a microcosm of the vigorous development of agricultural socialized services. Since last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has launched the action of "socialized service of land reclamation+local" to drive local governments to accelerate the construction of modern agriculture and promote the high-quality integrated development of land reclamation.

According to the data, in 2023, the scale of agricultural socialized services provided by land reclamation to local governments will be 118 million mu, which will lead to an increase of 3 billion jin and an increase of 6.36 billion yuan in farmers' income, playing an important role in ensuring food security and promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas.

This year's No.1 document of the central government proposed to strengthen the construction of agricultural socialized service platform and standard system, focus on the key weak links of agricultural production and small farmers, and expand service fields and models. As a "national team" to ensure the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products, agricultural reclamation not only plants its own land, but also helps local people and farmers to plant land. Relying on the advantages of organization, technology, talents and resources, it can play an important role in the development of agricultural socialized services. However, at present, the development level of social services in various reclamation areas is still uneven, and the standardization and normalization of services need to be improved. In the future, we will further combine the high quality production capacity of agricultural reclamation in agricultural production with the local demand for agricultural services, improve the service quality of all links, expand the service field, and continue to inject surging new momentum into the development of modern agriculture.

To promote quality improvement and expansion, service capacity building is the key. Standardized and unified service standards are the basis for improving the quality of agricultural socialized services. We should speed up the improvement of the service standard system. Explore the establishment of standards for socialized service groups, catalogues of socialized service subjects and management mechanisms, and drive the overall upgrading of agricultural socialized services. Focusing on the weak links and key areas of agricultural development, we will help farmers solve the problem of "not doing well, not doing well". Through integrating internal resources, we will work together with local upstream and downstream industry leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, etc. to improve service capabilities, and extend from production services to all factor services, and to the front and rear of the industry.

The purpose is to improve the interest connection and make farmers benefit continuously. It is necessary to build a multi win benefit linkage mechanism with village collective economic organizations, new agricultural operators, farmers, etc. through order purchase, minimum dividend, share cooperation, employment absorption and other forms. The development of agricultural socialized services is a systematic project. To sing the "chorus" well, it is necessary to coordinate with all parties, jointly promote and jointly manage, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, strengthen monitoring and evaluation, achieve the integration of service resources in a larger scope, effectively connect supply and demand, and leave more value-added benefits of the industrial chain and value chain to farmers and stay in rural areas.

The new events of spring ploughing in Bei'an City fully prove that there is much to be done to improve agricultural socialized services. We will continue to improve the agricultural socialized service system, attract more resource elements to gather in the countryside and serve agriculture, and provide more powerful support for the solid promotion of rural all-round revitalization and the acceleration of building an agricultural power.

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)