"Rural dreamers" inject momentum into the overall revitalization of rural areas

2024-04-19 09:24 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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"Rural dreamers" inject momentum into the overall revitalization of rural areas

09:24, April 19, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph    

At the weekend, the "Strawberry Town" Sky City Experience Park in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province was full of laughter and laughter. Tourists from Shanghai took their children to experience the countryside here.

To promote the overall revitalization of the countryside in a down-to-earth way, Jiande City, centering on the strawberry characteristic industry and taking Xutang Village, Yangcunqiao Town, as the core, attracts "rural dreamers", and forms a rural operation pattern of "one main body and two wings" through activities "hot field", projects "mobilization", and talents "residence".

What is a "country dreamer"? According to the relevant departments of Jiande City, this is a model innovation for rural exploration to promote the revitalization of resources in the whole village and promote the deep integration of agricultural, cultural and tourism industries by introducing talents. The young operation team came to the countryside, bringing a new perspective and countless possibilities, such as a rural coffee shop that can make tea around the stove, a characteristic homestay that is close to the mountain and by the river

As one of the wings, Changning Village, driven by the "rural dreamer", has the characteristic product of integrating agriculture, culture and tourism: it launches a research tour route centering on the local characteristics of "coming to taste Ning" snacks, wild cherry blossoms, rose garden, etc.

"Our village will be busy at the weekend now!" Zhu Ningbin, secretary of the General Party Branch of Changning Village, said that since the middle of March, the village collective income has increased by nearly 50000 yuan, and the villagers' income has increased by more than 200000 yuan.

The settlement of "rural dreamers" not only brings operation teams, talent projects and various resources to the village, but also injects vitality into the upgrading of the whole rural industry chain and the construction of workshops on the industry chain. The relevant person in charge of Jiande City said that Jiande focuses on talents, which is the most critical and active factor, and precisely attracts and meticulously uses talents to truly build rural talents into an engine for rural revitalization.

It is reported that Jiande City has promoted the overall operation of rural areas and the integrated development of agricultural, cultural and tourism industries by introducing talents. At present, 16 dreamer teams have been recruited, 53 talent projects have been signed, 22 projects have been implemented, and the estimated investment amount is 2 billion yuan.

In addition, Jiande City has taken the road of innovative development of "local products+workshops for common prosperity+Internet" by attracting increment, revitalizing stock and making good use of variables according to local conditions. At present, 183 co rich workshops have been built in the city, attracting 6596 employed people, including 1525 low-income farmers. (Our reporter Zhang Xuan)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)