Learn from the experience of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promote rural revitalization

2023-08-02 13:52 Source: Learning Times
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(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)
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Learn from the experience of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promote rural revitalization

13:52, August 2, 2023     Source: Learning Times     Liu Huanxin

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "completing the historical task of poverty alleviation, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and achieving the first century goal" is one of the three major events of great practical and far-reaching historical significance for the cause of the Party and the people in the new era. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has won the largest battle against poverty in human history, solved the problem of absolute poverty historically, and created another miracle in human history. The overall victory in the fight against poverty marks a solid step forward for our Party in uniting and leading the people to create a better life and achieve common prosperity. Completing the great cause of poverty alleviation is not only a milestone in the development history of the Chinese nation, but also a major contribution of the Chinese people to human civilization and the global anti-poverty cause. In the great process of poverty alleviation, our Party, based on China's national conditions, grasped the law of poverty alleviation, introduced a series of powerful policies and measures, built a set of effective policy systems, working systems, and institutional systems, walked out a path of poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics, and formed a theory of anti-poverty with Chinese characteristics. Abundant practical and theoretical achievements have been made in poverty alleviation, which has opened up a path and accumulated experience for developing countries to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that after the victory in poverty alleviation, we should comprehensively promote rural revitalization, which is a historic shift in the focus of the "three rural" work. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization, its depth, breadth and difficulty are no less than that of poverty alleviation. We need to learn from the experience of poverty alleviation, closely combine new situations and tasks to carry out creative transformation and innovative development, and take the road of rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics.

First, adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, and improve the working system of connecting up and down and promoting in a coordinated manner. During the fight against poverty, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core took the overall view and coordinated all parties, strengthened centralized and unified leadership over the fight against poverty, incorporated the fight against poverty into the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions", planned and vigorously promoted it; Strengthen the working mechanism of the central planning, the province taking the overall responsibility, and the cities and counties focusing on the implementation, and build a situation where the five level secretaries focus on poverty alleviation and the whole party mobilizes to tackle the key problems; Strengthen the supporting construction of village level organizations with the village party organization as the core, concentrate elite forces on the main battlefield of poverty alleviation, and select the first secretary and village cadres to strengthen the grass-roots forces; Establish the responsibility system, policy system, organization system, investment system, mobilization system, supervision system, assessment system and other systems for poverty alleviation, which provide strong support for the smooth progress of poverty alleviation. Promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way is a strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee with a view to building a modern socialist power in an all-round way. The key to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization lies in the Party. We must adhere to the Party's overall leadership over rural work, implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, implement a rural revitalization work mechanism in which the central government is overall planning, the province takes overall responsibility, and the city, county, and township focus on implementation, build a rural revitalization responsibility system with clear responsibilities, each taking his own responsibility, and work together to promote it, and use the strength of the whole party and society to promote it.

The second is to adhere to the people as the center, and take the realization of what farmers think and expect as the starting point and end result of the work. In the practice of poverty alleviation, our party adheres to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, focuses on the basic livelihood needs of poor people, and makes great efforts to solve the most immediate and realistic problems that poor people care most about, such as food and clothing, compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety, and drinking water safety. Adhere to the principle of poverty alleviation for the people and for the people, promote the matching of investment with the requirements of winning the battle against poverty, give play to the main and leading role of government investment, give priority to financial support at all levels, and actively participate in financial, insurance and other social funds to form a diversified and multi-channel investment system. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization is the ardent expectation of hundreds of millions of farmers. It requires that we must always stand firmly on the people's position, adhere to the perspective of the masses, think about what farmers want and what farmers need, and always take farmers' needs as the practical starting point for thinking about problems, planning policies, and promoting work. Adhere to taking increasing farmers' income as the central task of the "three rural" work, do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase income and become rich, and constantly improve farmers' living standards. Aim at the goal of "basically having modern living conditions in rural areas", improve the rural infrastructure completeness, public service convenience, and residential environment comfort, so that farmers can live a modern and civilized life on the spot. We need to strengthen policy guarantees, improve the mechanism of diversified investment, give full play to the role of fiscal funds in allocating more social funds, and provide strong support for farmers' aspirations for a better life.

The third is to adhere to the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions and implementing policies by category, and put the concept of precision into all links of the whole process of rural revitalization. Precision is the key to poverty alleviation. In the practice of poverty alleviation, we have adhered to the basic strategy of targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation. We have implemented the "five batch" policy of development of production, relocation, ecological compensation, development of education, and social security to solve the "five problems" of who to support, who to support, how to support, how to retreat, and how to stabilize the "five problems", The "six precisions" of support object, project arrangement, fund use, measures to households, village specific personnel, and poverty alleviation effect have been achieved, which has enhanced the pertinence of poverty alleviation goals and the overall effectiveness of poverty alleviation. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization, we need to continue to adhere to and strengthen the concept of precision, apply precise methods, and implement "one key to open one lock", so as to reach the villages precisely and benefit people. Comprehensively find out the bottom number of the village, identify the outstanding weaknesses and clarify the development needs of each village; Grasp the rural differences, scientifically plan the implementation path, plan and develop the characteristic advantageous industries according to the idea of "local specialty", and do a good job in rural construction based on the actual situation, instead of building a model to the end, create a modern version of "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" with different characteristics; Reasonably set phased objectives, tasks and work priorities, identify breakthrough points, prioritize, organize step by step, work for a long time, and do one thing after another, year after year.

Fourth, adhere to the dominant position of the people, and strengthen the endogenous development power of the areas and people out of poverty. In the practice of poverty alleviation, it is emphasized that the development of poor areas should rely on endogenous power. The poor people are not only the target of poverty alleviation, but also the main body of poverty alleviation. The combination of poverty alleviation and supporting the will and wisdom is both rich in pockets and heads. Through education and guidance, policy incentives, optimization of assistance methods and typical demonstration and guidance, we will promote poor people to change their ideas, enhance their confidence and strengthen their faith in overcoming poverty. By vigorously promoting industrial poverty alleviation and employment poverty alleviation, we will train poor people to develop production and business skills, and guide them to use their hard work to get rid of poverty and become rich. We will comprehensively promote rural revitalization and ensure that areas and people lifted out of poverty do not fall behind. The key to measure whether the rural revitalization is not revitalized depends on whether the poverty free areas are revitalized. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization, for areas and people out of poverty, it is necessary to take consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation as the bottom line task, strengthen the endogenous development momentum as the top priority, and use development methods to make the achievements of poverty alleviation more stable and sustainable. We must not only consolidate but also move forward. Taking increasing the income of the people who have been lifted out of poverty as a fundamental measure and accelerating the development of the counties that have been lifted out of poverty as the main direction, fostering and upgrading industries, actively expanding employment, developing a new rural collective economy, strengthening the county economy, improving the skills of the people who have been lifted out of poverty, constantly narrowing the income gap between the people who have been lifted out of poverty and other farmers, and constantly narrowing the development gap between the areas that have been lifted out of poverty and other regions, We will continue to move towards the goal of gradually achieving common prosperity.

Fifthly, we should give full play to the political advantages of our socialist system, which enables us to concentrate our efforts on major issues, and pool the strong joint forces to comprehensively promote rural revitalization. During the period of poverty alleviation, relying on a strict organizational system and an efficient operating mechanism, our party has widely and effectively mobilized and rallied all forces, built a large poverty alleviation pattern in which the government, society and market work together, and special poverty alleviation, industry poverty alleviation and social poverty alleviation complement each other, forming a multi subject social poverty alleviation system involving cross regions, cross departments, cross units and the whole society. Strengthen the poverty alleviation cooperation between the east and the west, promote the paired assistance at all levels of provinces, cities and counties, and promote the flow of talents, funds and technology to poor areas; We have organized targeted poverty alleviation. All departments of the central and state organs, democratic parties, people's organizations, state-owned enterprises and the people's army have taken active action. All key counties in the country's poverty alleviation and development have support units. All walks of life give play to their professional advantages to carry out poverty alleviation through industry, science and technology, education, culture, health and consumption. Private enterprises, social organizations and individual citizens participated enthusiastically, and the action of "ten thousand enterprises helping ten thousand villages" was vigorously carried out. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization is a major task to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also an all-round revitalization of the cultural and ecological organizations of all the eastern, central and western regions, all the farmers, and industrial talents. More powerful measures need to be taken to gather more powerful forces. Release a strong signal to the whole society that agriculture should be valued and revitalized, and mobilize all forces to participate in rural revitalization. Deepen the cooperation between the East and the West, adhere to two-way cooperation, mutual benefit, and multi win, promote assistance in education, culture, health care, science and technology, deepen the paired assistance of districts and counties, village enterprises, schools, hospitals, and strengthen industrial cooperation, resource complementarity, labor docking, talent exchange, etc, Turn the focus of assistance to consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. Deepen the targeted assistance of central units, give full play to their own advantages, innovate assistance measures, continue to select temporary cadres and the first secretary in the village, and help designated counties to accelerate the promotion of weak points and promote development. Deeply promote education and group support of medical cadres and talents in key counties for national rural revitalization, and play a good role in science and technology missions; For other poverty alleviation counties, we should do a good job in the service industry development work of the industry advisory group. We will deepen the implementation of the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Revitalize Ten Thousand Villages" initiative, and guide more private enterprises to invest in rural areas and drive development. We will extensively mobilize social organizations to participate in rural revitalization, build a participation platform, improve the participation mechanism, and create a public welfare brand. Focus on selecting advanced models, actively do a good job in rural revitalization publicity, and create a strong atmosphere for the whole society to jointly promote rural revitalization.

Sixth, we should adhere to the principle of being realistic and pragmatic, be realistic and tough, and promote rural revitalization in a down-to-earth and comprehensive way. In the practice of poverty alleviation, we will fully implement the requirements of strict governance of the Party, highlight practical guidance and strict rules, resolutely oppose "face projects" that do not conform to reality, resolutely oppose formalism and bureaucracy, and implement all work to solve practical problems for the poor. We will carry out the strictest assessment and evaluation, carry out special treatment of corruption and work style issues in the field of poverty alleviation, and establish an all-round supervision system, so that the results of poverty alleviation can truly stand the test of history and the people. To comprehensively promote rural revitalization, it is necessary to improve the assessment and supervision mechanism, give full play to the role of assessment and evaluation as a "baton", carry out overall performance assessment of the rural revitalization strategy, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and effectively link the assessment and evaluation with rural revitalization, and take the promotion of party building and rural revitalization as an important part of the review and evaluation of the work of the municipal, county and township party committee secretaries in the grass-roots party building. Earnestly carry out the special rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption in the field of rural revitalization, focus on correcting formalism and bureaucracy in the implementation of policies and the promotion of work, and earnestly ensure that quantity is subject to quality, progress is subject to effectiveness, and speed is required, so as to promote rural revitalization to achieve tangible results.

(The author is Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Director of the National Bureau of Rural Revitalization)

(Editor in charge: Jing Yuan)

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