The General Secretary's Feelings of the People -- "Let Grain Growing Be Rich"
Food security is "the biggest one in the country", and General Secretary Xi Jinping is thinking about it. "The CPC Central Committee will continue to encourage and support our vast rural areas to take the road of agricultural modernization, and continue to improve policies in this regard [ detailed ]
Support grain farmers to "be willing to guarantee everything"
Since this year, China has fully implemented the three major grain crop full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies. How to implement the policy and ensure the income of grain farmers? [ detailed ]
The foundation of water conservancy for food security has been continuously consolidated
Water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture, and agricultural production and harvest cannot be separated from water conservancy. At present, what role has water conservancy played in ensuring national food security? Recently, the Ministry of Water Resources held the [ detailed ]



Breeding innovation enables Yangzhou geese to swim in the "niche" market
All over the country have formed distinctive dishes around goose, but as one of the three largest poultry in China, goose has a relatively weak sense of existence. On the one hand, because of different regional consumption habits [ detailed ]
A mushroom "supports" the hundred million yuan industrial chain
"The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so we must pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the shed..." Recently, Zhang Shurong, the edible fungus grower in Jungle Town, Wansheng Economic Development Zone, Chongqing, was busy preaching Flammulina velutipes to the mushroom farmers [ detailed ]
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"See new opportunities for Cambodia China agricultural cooperation"
The joint construction of the "fish and rice corridor" is one of the important contents of China Cambodia agricultural cooperation, which will promote Cambodia to accelerate agricultural modernization and increase farmers' income. The 13 day seminar was held in Jiangsu Province [ detailed ]
China's agricultural technology benefits everyone together
"The agricultural technology taught by Chinese experts has benefited me and my family as well as many farmers nearby." Astrando Liveld, a 24-year-old Surinamese farmer, said that this was the first time he had [ detailed ]

The "three summers" season is a critical period for grain production. Summer harvest, summer planting and summer pipe determine the growth trend of grain throughout the year, gather farmers' expectations and affect economic development. "Grain production is based on cultivated land". Keep the red line of cultivated land, ensure the quantity of cultivated land and improve the quality of cultivated land. Farmland quality [ detailed ]

Rural revitalization, industrial revitalization is the foundation and focus, and the fundamental guarantee for promoting high-quality development of rural industries is high-quality party building. Relying on high-quality party building as the main body of rural revitalization, the village party organization has the best understanding of rural industry. At present, the consumption of urban and rural residents [ detailed ]

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Shandong that Shandong is a major agricultural and food province, and has a great responsibility in ensuring national food security. The practice of deepening the integration of urban and rural development has proved that scientific and technological innovation and application are the driving force of agricultural development, as well as the cultivation and development of agricultural leaders [ detailed ]

Fujian adheres to the principle of "relying on the mountain to sing the folk song, relying on the sea to read the sea". While increasing the grain yield per unit area and stabilizing the total grain production, it has cultivated and formed characteristic industries such as livestock, poultry, vegetables, tea, fruits, fungi, and built a diversified food supply system, which has leapt from relying on a large number of grain and vegetables transferred from outside the province [ detailed ]

By cultivating excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights, Hefei has created a highland of innovation in the seed industry, breaking new ground, and bringing inspiration to comprehensively promote the revitalization of the seed industry. In order to revitalize the seed industry, we should firmly grasp the "bull nose" of technology cooperation. The technical foundation for the revitalization of China's seed industry has been continuously consolidated [ detailed ]

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