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The price has been reduced! Help the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination volunteer filling system is time limited!
2024-05-31 11:25:02

Industry background and market demand

With the end of the college entrance examination every year, thousands of examinees are about to face one of the important links in life - volunteer filling in. In this era of information explosion, how to provide examinees with comprehensive, accurate and personalized volunteer information has become a business opportunity that cannot be ignored. For small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, develop a College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling System , not only to meet market demand, but also to realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

College entrance examination volunteer filling system (looking for universities/checking majors/online evaluation/college entrance examination information/community Q&A) , the system is open source for sale, can independently carry out second opening, and can open more saas sites.

Super value group buying activity

Group purchase discount of college entrance examination volunteer filling system is coming!

Activity time: five 31 June 6

Daily price: 12800 yuan

Limited time group purchase price: 6000 yuan

Note: The system does not contain data.

Benefit Plus:

Participating in group purchase will also receive the following benefits:

Welfare I, top five first Free construction service (original construction cost 300 yuan/time)

Welfare II. 70% discount for provincial and municipal data

Welfare 3. Free 3 month webmaster tool members

Welfare 4. Participate in this group purchase and give 2-core 4G5M ECS for one month.

Product link:

Station master group purchase -- college entrance examination volunteer filling system (open source can be opened independently)

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System advantages:

1. The code is open source and can be opened independently.

2. The system supports multiple saas sites on the same server.

3. Support PC side+applet side to provide a wider sharing channel.

4. It supports multiple functions such as "looking for universities/checking majors/online assessment/college entrance examination information/community question and answer".

Profit point:

1. Multi site sales: the system authorizes one IP for use. As long as it is under the same authorized IP, it can be built indefinitely, so that it can open multiple sites for others to use. It is recommended to charge more than 3000 yuan - 5000 yuan annually.

2. Self hosted brand: the system supports privatization deployment, and all products and services are promoted under the organization's own brand

3. Pricing of independent multiple operation services: the service price can be customized according to the actual situation, and members can recharge and login with card secret

4. Self operating income: payment is directly entered into the institutional account without security concerns

5. Online fission propagation and mass customer acquisition: share fission propagation through WeChat applet to gain more precise users

6. Access to accurate user information: millions of volunteer users every year, getting customers from scratch

Main functions:

1. The interface of the volunteer filling system is simple After entering the main interface, the user can see the core functions: one click intelligent generation of volunteer filling scheme, five major function choices - college encyclopedia, professional encyclopedia, batch line query, one segment, rank analysis.


2. The system will apply for the exam according to the trend of previous years , reproduce the process of filing, and calculate the heat of applying for the exam that year. Form simulated filling data, further improve the algorithm on this basis, give consideration to intelligence and security, and fully tap opportunities for examinees to achieve high scores with low scores. The volunteer application system can provide a detailed list of schools that are "relatively safe, can be sprinted, and can guarantee the minimum", so that candidates can quickly identify the institutions they can choose. Candidates can also choose the region, type and level of the target university according to their own wishes.


3. Admission data They are all from the official data released by the Ministry of Education, examination institutions and universities. The system conducts algorithm analysis according to the 3-year admission score of the school calendar.


4. Covering major universities in China, The situation of 985/211/double first-class universities that you want to inquire about can be grasped at any time, so as to help examinees quickly choose their favorite universities.


5. College Entrance Examination Information: Mainly manage the update and release of various news information; newest Policy: manage and update the news information related to the college entrance examination policy; Employment guidance: management updates news information related to employment


6. Professional evaluation Evaluation management: management and update of evaluation question bank, content update of psychological evaluation and professional evaluation, management and view of user's evaluation records.


7. Community Q&A: The information released by the management review response review community can be communicated in a timely manner.



As an emerging industry with great potential, the college entrance examination volunteer filling industry has its entrepreneurial advantages mainly reflected in professionalism, personalized service, reputation effect, flexibility and sustainability. However, attention should also be paid to the professionalism and complexity of the industry, as well as the fierce market competition. For entrepreneurs who are interested in entering the industry, the key is to constantly improve their professional ability, provide quality services and establish a good reputation. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the market dynamics and constantly expand our business scope to achieve sustainable business development.


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