Current location: home page > All items > Genuine software > Traditional industries > other > Rainbow PDM product data management software | CAD drawing management | BOM standard material warehouse process management
Rainbow PDM product data management software | CAD drawing management | BOM standard material warehouse process management
Original price: ¥ 8000.00
six thousand and five hundred
<10 sets
sales volume
(100000 sets in stock)
product details
Functional encephalogram
Demo Address
Mobile phone purchase
Application side
Windows Linux MAC Android IOS Hongmeng Others
Installation Services
Remote assistance for door-to-door installation

Service Statement

The price of the Rainbow EDM drawing and document management software is only Number of 1 node (also used online). Because of the cost of sales, Rainbow EDM's drawing and document management software is limited to Shooting at 5 nodes

Please contact customer service and send us the company name+name+contact information after consulting relevant preferential policies, and we will arrange professional engineers to contact you in detail! Thank you for your cooperation!

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