Visual Treble Applet
Original price: RMB 999.00
three hundred and eighty-eight
<10 sets
sales volume
(100000 sets in stock)
product details
Technology stack
Functional encephalogram
after-sale service
Mobile phone purchase
Application side
Treble applet
data base
Open source
Second opening is not supported
Source code installation
No construction is provided

First, let's give you a picture of the visual production panel of the dithering applet ↘↘↘

Elaborately built by Yiyou team Yiyou cms Based on the feedback from WeChat, Baidu and many old customers, the new visual framework and new small program writing method are developed. It focuses on one-stop small program construction, synchronously calls the data of the site, and after registering the small program, you can publish the small program belonging to your website in just a few minutes, truly realizing one-stop management!

Applet editing panel experience address: Account: test Password: After test enters, install the dithering visualization applet in Plug in Application>Cloud Plug in>to experience.

(Treble app scanning code)

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Mobile version

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