Zhonggong Entertainment

Hebi Federation of Trade Unions launched the "Chinese Dream · Labor Beauty" staff stage art performance activity

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-14 09:18

On June 12, the Hebi City Federation of Trade Unions in Henan Province launched the "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - You Have an Appointment, Work Sings Beautiful" 2024 Hebi City Workers' Grand Stage Literature and Art Exhibition, aiming to further enrich the cultural life of workers and improve their cultural and artistic literacy through their own talent display.

The relevant person in charge of Hebi Federation of Trade Unions said that the staff stage performance lasted for three months and was held regularly every week until the end of September. The actors and actresses are selected from all walks of life in the city and have talent expertise and performance foundation. The performance fully demonstrated the spiritual outlook of the staff, improved their cultural and artistic literacy, promoted the art exchange among the staff, and united and led the staff to summon the spirit of always following the Party and forging a new journey. (Chen Mengyu)

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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