Zhonggong Entertainment

Xuchang Jian'an District Federation of Trade Unions: distribute love breakfast to urban "beauticians"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-13 15:30

From June 10 to 12, the Federation of Trade Unions of Jian'an District, Xuchang City, Henan Province held a three-day free breakfast distribution activity for the sanitation workers in Guicun Township and Aizhuang Township of the district, so that the "beauticians" in these cities can feel the warmth and care from the trade union after hard work.

On the morning of June 10, at the labor union love station in Aizhuang Township, Jian'an District, the staff of the Jian'an District Federation of Trade Unions delivered a love breakfast to the sanitation workers, expressing heartfelt thanks to the sanitation workers for their hard work.

In recent years, the Jian'an District Federation of Trade Unions has successively built 27 outdoor workers' love stations equipped with air conditioners, televisions, hot water, microwave ovens and other facilities, and irregularly carried out activities such as delivering warmth, cooling, law popularization, and compulsory haircuts to constantly enhance the sense of gain, belonging, and happiness of the staff and the masses. (Chen Mengyu)

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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