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In the first five months, China's automobile exports increased by 27% year on year

Over the same period, GAC Group exported 57000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 240.8%

Source: Guangzhou Daily
2024-06-12 13:59

Original title: China's automobile exports increased by 27% year on year in the first five months (theme)

Over the same period, GAC Group exported 57000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 240.8% (subtitle)

Guangzhou Daily (full media reporters Zhou Weili and Deng Li) With the introduction of the implementation rules of the old for new policy at the end of April, the accumulated consumption purchasing power was released in May, promoting the "red May" market of new energy vehicles. The national passenger car market situation in May released by the Passenger Car Federation on June 11 pointed out that "the trend in May was better than expected by the prediction team of passenger car manufacturers".

Among them, the production and marketing express report of GAC Group shows that in May this year, the terminal sales of GAC reached 178500 vehicles, an increase of 23.7% month on month. Among them, the monthly sales of GAC Ai'an are about 40000, and the sales of GAC Toyota have increased by more than 33% month on month; 13000 cars were exported, up 172.5% year on year.

Export becomes a new growth pole of GAC

From January to May this year, GAC Group exported 57000 vehicles, up 240.8% year on year. In May this year, GAC Ai'an has four cities in Southeast Asia, and its models have landed in Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia and Nepal. At the same time, the Central Asia Export Base started and completed the delivery of the first 1000 AION Y Plus in Tajikistan, setting a local record for the import of new energy vehicles for a single time, and becoming the new energy vehicle brand with the highest proportion in Tajikistan.

At the same time, GAC Trumpchi's two star products M8 and GN8 were officially launched in Kuwait and Mexico, further enriching the models on sale in the Middle East and the Americas.

The reporter learned from GAC Group that in 2024, GAC's export challenge target will be 150000 vehicles. Compared with the original plan of "100000 vehicles" at the end of last year, the number of vehicles increased by 50000.

The 2024 Beijing Auto Show will be an unprecedented event, raising market attention; The implementation of the policy of "trade in the old for the new" has stimulated the consumption enthusiasm of the market wait-and-see group; In May this year, Guangzhou released the license plate of energy-saving vehicles, and increased the encouragement of the development of energy-saving vehicles; These are all positive factors driving the month on month increase in sales of GAC in May.

However, in the second half of the year, the competition in the car market is still fierce. The distribution of diversified energy products, further improving the competitiveness of differentiated products, and promoting the response to trade in the old for the new in a wider range will all be the issues faced by GAC.

Value war is more important than price war

Price war is the main phenomenon in the car market. Data shows that in 2023, the average price of a single car in China will be about 15 percentage points lower than that in 2022. From January to May this year, it will be reduced by another 10 percentage points on the basis of 2023. A number of insiders said that the current domestic auto price war is rare in the world due to its wide range and large decline.

Zeng Qinghong, Chairman of GAC Group, also commented on the price war at the Chongqing Automobile Forum. Zeng Qinghong believed that the volume price was OK, which was determined by the supply and demand relationship and the market law. "GAC does not oppose price war, nor is it afraid of price war", "but it should be rational and have a bottom line, and not excessive".

Zeng Qinghong said that it is possible to give up profits, but not sustainable. Enterprises cannot survive without benefits, which will have adverse effects on tax revenue, employment and upstream and downstream industries.

The penetration rate of new energy vehicles reaches 47%

The stimulus results of the old for new policy appeared in May. According to the Ministry of Commerce, as of May 29, more than 1.2 million users had visited the car scrapping information platform, and about 20000 applications had been submitted. Among the consumers who participate in car scrapping and renewal, about 55% of them scrap old cars and buy new energy vehicles.

The latest data from the Passenger Transport Federation shows that at the production end, 1.997 million passenger cars were produced in May, up 0.3% year on year and 0.5% month on month. The production and wholesale volume of passenger cars both hit a record high in a single month. New energy continued to perform outstandingly in May, with 881000 new energy passenger vehicles produced, up 31.0% year on year and 9.9% month on month. In May, self owned brands gained significant growth in the new energy market and export market. 980000 self owned brand retail vehicles, up 12% year on year and 12% month on month.

Automobile exports continue to be strong. According to customs statistics, 569000 vehicles were exported in May, up 30% year on year, and the export amount of the month reached US $10.5 billion, up 17% year on year, achieving a strong growth. From January to May this year, the overall export of automobiles reached 2.45 million, a year-on-year increase of 27%. At the same time, with the recovery of South America and other markets, the export of self owned brands reached 319000 vehicles in May, up 27% year on year.

Outlook: sales growth in June is expected

The Passenger Car Confederation pointed out that in June, the passenger car market entered a half year closing period, and it is estimated that the local and automobile enterprises are willing to strive for sales performance. At the same time, with the improvement of the system capability of manufacturing enterprises, the delivery of new models will be released quickly, and the production capacity will take the lead. Therefore, June is still a month with good sales trend.

The Passenger Transport Federation pointed out that the trade in policy has reasonably guaranteed the demand of fuel vehicle consumers, which is of great significance to the stable development of the car market. In the next step, the consumption potential of the market for "elimination and renewal" and "replacement and renewal" will be gradually released, which is beneficial to the gradual strengthening of the car market in the coming months.

The Passenger Transport Federation also believes that with the emerging scale advantage and market expansion demand of China's new energy vehicles, despite some external interference in the near future, the export market of new energy vehicles is still good in the long run and has a bright future. The export of China's passenger cars in June will still maintain a good growth trend, which will promote the overall domestic and foreign sales of passenger cars in June to continue to have a good month on month growth.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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