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They make autonomous cars safer and smarter | Automatic driving safety officer of New 360 Travel

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-08 10:24

Original title: They Make Autonomous Vehicles Safer and Smarter | Automatic Driving Safety Officer of New 360 Journey

Worker's Daily - reporter Yang Zhaokui and Lei Yuxiang of China Industrial Network

"Others think it's easy for us to sit in the car and do nothing. In fact, the work pressure is quite high." On June 2, Feng Qiang said in an interview with the Worker's Daily that, as an automatic driving safety officer, although most of the time we don't need to do anything in the car, we still need to keep an eye on the road conditions in case of an emergency. In addition, we should always pay attention to the performance of the vehicle. For example, sometimes the vehicle makes unreasonable driving actions such as sudden braking, which needs to be marked in time and fed back to the engineer for reference.

Feng Qiang is an automatic driving safety officer of Xiaoma Zhixing Company. He has been engaged in this job for nearly 5 years. "I do this job mainly because I like driving, and I am interested in new things. Although many people thought that automatic driving was far away from people's life five years ago, I still believe in the development of science and technology. Finally, I entered Xiaoma Zhixing as an automatic driving safety officer after complicated examinations and tests.

At present, there are more than 100 safety officers like Feng Qiang in Xiaoma Zhixing Company. Feng Qiang said that the safety officer is a safety guarantee for autonomous vehicles. The safety officer is mainly responsible for preventing emergencies and accidents during the test. In case of danger, the safety officer will intervene manually in the shortest time to ensure the safety of the vehicle. Another function of the safety officer is to monitor the performance of the system at any time and give feedback in time to help improve the system and technology.

"To be honest, I was a little nervous when I first started this job, because at that time, the technology was not as mature as it is now, and I was afraid that I would not be able to solve any outstanding problems. However, it was also because the company's training system was relatively perfect, and with more and more cars coming, it gradually became less nervous." Feng Qiang said.

Feng Qiang told reporters that now, with the development of technology, Beijing Yizhuang has begun to allow the automatic driving test of "unmanned vehicles", and some colleagues will gradually become remote security officers. The job of the remote security officer is to focus on the performance of the unmanned vehicle on the road through the backstage. In case of some emergency, he/she should give some instructions in the backstage and give advice on how to get the vehicle out of trouble.

It is worth mentioning that in February this year, the demonstration application of self driving passenger vehicles in the policy pilot area of Beijing Intelligent Connected Vehicles was officially launched in Beijing Daxing International Airport. A total of four enterprises were approved to carry out manned connections between the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport and Beijing Economic Development Zone, This marks the official opening of the world's first manned demonstration scene of airport autopilot shuttle in the capital city. Now, Beijing South Railway Station has also opened automatic driving test.

"Now the technology of automatic driving is relatively mature, and we don't need to do much practical operation no matter whether it is the on-board safety officer or the remote safety officer." Feng Qiang said that he has been engaged in this work for nearly five years, watching the technology of automatic driving continue to mature, watching the automatic driving car from the concept car to the market, feeling that he has participated in it and made a little contribution, I still have a sense of achievement.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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