Zhonggong Entertainment

In April, the machinery industry ran steadily and well

Source: CCTV Network
2024-05-23 10:31

Original title: machinery industry ran steadily and well in April

CCTV news (news broadcast): The reporter learned from the China Machinery Industry Federation that in April, the added value of the five major sectors of the national economy involved in China's machinery industry maintained year-on-year growth, and the growth rate was accelerated to varying degrees compared with March. From January to April this year, the general equipment manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, automobile manufacturing industry, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry and other industries showed different degrees of growth. Among them, the added value of the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 11.3% year on year, significantly higher than that of other industries. In addition, 56% of the 122 major mechanical products under key monitoring achieved year-on-year growth in cumulative output from January to April.

The China Machinery Industry Federation said that as the central and local governments actively promote large-scale equipment renewal and the implementation of the consumer goods trade in action plan, the market demand for machinery products will continue to improve, and the industry operation will be further stable and good.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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