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Qingdao Health Examination Center for New Form of Employment Workers was inaugurated

10000 people will receive free physical examination this year

Source: Qingdao Daily
2024-05-23 08:57

Original title: Qingdao Health Examination Center for New Form of Employment Workers was inaugurated (theme)

This year, 10000 people will receive free physical examination (subtitle)

Qingdao Daily/Liu Ping, a journalist watching the sea

Qingdao Daily, May 22 - On the morning of May 22, the Qingdao Health Examination Center for New Employment Workers was inaugurated in Qingdao Zhanshan Sanatorium. The first batch of more than 50 new employment workers and more than 100 outdoor workers received health examination services. Ju Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Zhang Jiangang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions attended the unveiling ceremony.

Qingdao Health Examination Center for New Employment Workers is upgraded and built by Qingdao Zhanshan Sanatorium Staff Health Examination Center, which can complete spiral CT, transcranial Doppler, carbon 13 breath test and other examinations. At the same time, for some of the "tailor-made" physical examination items for workers in the new employment form, for example, considering the long walking distance and frequent going upstairs and downstairs of the delivery boy and the delivery clerk, the examination of the knee joint, ankle joint and other parts has been specially set up; Truck drivers and online taxi drivers have been sitting for a long time and lack of drinking water, and special inspections have been set up for cervical vertebra, lumbar vertebra and urinary system.

A person in charge of the Qingdao Federation of Trade Unions said that the Qingdao Health Examination Center for New Employment Workers will provide free health examination services for 10000 migrant workers and new employment workers this year. At the same time, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will continue to present special mutual assistance insurance to workers in new forms of employment, promote the formation of a multi-level health care service model, help workers in new forms of employment to prevent chronic diseases, build a solid line of occupational health defense, and stimulate workers' enthusiasm for work and create potential.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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