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Nanyang Federation of Trade Unions issued a reminder letter on legal supervision of workers' work safety at high temperature. Stop open-air operation when the daily maximum temperature is above 40 ℃

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 10:04

On May 21, the Federation of Trade Unions of Nanyang City, Henan Province issued a reminder letter on the legal supervision of workers' high temperature production safety, reminding employers to ensure the personal safety and health of workers in the hot summer season.

Employers should reasonably arrange and adjust the working hours of workers in hot weather in combination with the operation characteristics and specific conditions. When the daily maximum temperature reaches above 40 ℃ (except for emergency treatment due to personal and property safety and public interests), outdoor operations shall be stopped on that day; When the daily maximum temperature reaches above 37 ℃ and below 40 ℃, the employer shall arrange workers to work outdoors for no more than 6 hours a day, and the continuous operation time shall not exceed the national regulations, and outdoor operation shall not be arranged within 3 hours of the maximum temperature; When the daily maximum temperature reaches above 35 ℃ and below 37 ℃, the employing unit shall take shift breaks and other means to shorten the continuous working time of workers, and shall not arrange outdoor workers to work overtime. The high temperature allowance shall be paid according to the specified standards, and the wages of workers shall not be reduced due to the high temperature allowance. In case of stopping work or shortening working hours due to hot weather, the employer shall not deduct or reduce the wages of workers.

The employing unit shall establish and improve the heatstroke prevention system, formulate an emergency plan for heatstroke due to high temperature, reasonably arrange working hours, strictly control overtime, practically strengthen the labor protection work for high-temperature weather operations and indoor high-temperature operations, and ensure the health and life safety of workers according to the production characteristics and specific conditions. Implement various logistics support services, provide employees with necessary labor protection articles, heatstroke prevention drinks, health care supplies and necessary drugs, do not give money instead of heatstroke prevention drinks, and heatstroke prevention drinks should not be used as high temperature allowance. Strengthen occupational safety and health education and training for workers, and popularize basic protection knowledge such as high temperature protection and heatstroke first aid. Strengthen the occupational health inspection of workers working in hot weather before, during and after work, and timely adjust their posts if they find that their physical conditions are not suitable for the hot work environment. Workers who suffer from heatstroke due to hot work or hot weather operations and are diagnosed as occupational diseases shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits. Reasonably plan and layout the production site, take good heat insulation, ventilation and cooling measures, and ensure that the workplace meets the requirements of national occupational health standards.

(Henan Workers Daily reporter Chen Weixian)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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