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ITV | Government account, "interesting soul" and "serious attribute" can be both

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-16 16:53

After 00, the wind of "rectification" still blew to the government account. "It has been two years since I came to Yichang Public Security, and the leaders finally gave me the official number". Recently, a video of "playing stalks" on the official account of Yichang Public Security Bureau in Hubei Province received more than 800000 praise and became popular on the Internet.

More interestingly, with the popularity of "stem culture", more and more government accounts have begun to "integrate" and popularize science knowledge in a way that young people like. Some of them have started a short play of Rebirth Bully, some have used a violent version of Huanzhu Gege's popular science and communication rules, and some have also made an advertisement for "pure prison style" costumes... Netizens love to see it, and leave a message saying that these videos are more impressive than simple preaching, and can let people learn more knowledge.

There is no doubt that these "whole live" gains better publicity effect. In the past, the propaganda scenes were usually "one-way indoctrination": posting posters, distributing brochures, hanging banners... hardly interactive. In recent years, the channels of information transmission have become more and more diversified. The emergence of new media platforms such as microblog, WeChat, and Tiaoyin has enabled information to be transmitted efficiently through short videos, live broadcasts, and other forms. Netizens can also put forward opinions in real time to achieve "two-way interaction". The "rectification" of the government account makes the publicity more innovative, more grounded and full of dry goods, which is not only to meet the needs of the times, but also a useful attempt to better serve the public.

However, after "tasting new things", we should also realize that this "whole life" needs to be relaxed. As the person in charge of the official account of Yichang Public Security said, after the "rectification", we still need to return to the main business of warning education and law popularization. The content should be appropriately packaged and reflected in a relaxed, entertaining and lively way. Of course, it can be. But the core of government publicity is to serve the public and deliver positive energy. It should not be "lost watermelon and sesame seeds" in order to pursue traffic and ignore quality. At the same time, the government account should not only regard "whole live" as a short-term means of obtaining traffic, but should strive to promote it as a long-term publicity strategy to achieve better matching and balance between form and content. Only in this way can the "fresh" be better and better.

We look forward to seeing more government accounts stay Humorous "rectification" and authoritative release Find balance in spot It can not only attract the attention of young people, but also effectively disseminate public service information to achieve a broader society value yes More meaning yes significance serious Under attribute Funny Soul Can be more charming.

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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