Zhonggong Entertainment

Zhonggong Man Comments | Accompanying Photography: Face up to "Slots" and Expect Opportunities

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-18 08:01

 QQ screenshot 20240418080125

Painting/Liu Qi's words/Chen Wanyang

In recent years, as more and more tourists begin to be enthusiastic about taking photos, the companion photography market has become more and more popular. The reporter saw on the platform that many netizens who had experienced accompanying photography complained that "looking for accompanying photography is also like an open box", and problems such as accompanying photographers to "put pigeons", shooting more than 100 "waste films", shooting from only one angle, and disorderly photo composition emerged in endlessly. (Reported by Beijing Business Daily on April 15)

Accompanying photography is not only playing with, but also helping to take beautiful photos. This service can be said to have "filled" the emotional value, created many part-time opportunities, and also brought more "click rates" to the scenic spot. All parties benefit from the "fire". Of course, it is reasonable.

In order to make the accompanying photography service better and better, we cannot ignore these "slots" of consumers. In the short term, the accompanist can try to set up independent rules and actively provide more detailed and perfect accompaniment contracts. In the long run, all scenic spots and travel agencies can take the initiative to seize this opportunity, cooperate with excellent escorts, and add high-quality and guaranteed escorting services to tourism products. Needless to say, the current accompanying film market has potential. Anyone who can start from the "slot point" and make changes and improvements as soon as possible, so that consumers can feel relieved and relieved, will be able to take the lead.

Editor in charge: queen

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