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ITV | Let low-temperature allowance fall from "paper" to "pocket"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-12 17:06

Recently, Harbin ice and snow tourism has become popular, attracting many tourists to clock in. In order to protect the travel safety of the masses, the sanitation workers still stick to their posts in the weather of more than 20 degrees below zero. Harbin Federation of Trade Unions set up trade union service stations near popular scenic spots in time to provide outdoor workers with warm places to rest and bring warmth and care to outdoor workers who work hard in the cold.

Such heartwarming measures not only warmed the outdoor workers, but also warmed the netizens, who all praised it. At the same time, however, some people said that the issue of low-temperature allowance is also an important part of protecting the rights and interests of outdoor workers.

In fact, the Minimum Wage Regulations implemented as early as 2004 clearly pointed out that employers should pay low temperature allowance in low temperature working environment. In recent years, some provinces and cities in northern China have also issued regulations on the distribution standard of low temperature allowance. In August 2023, the Protection System for Workers' Rights and Interests in High Temperature and Cold Weather in the Workplace (Reference Text) jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the General Administration of the People's Republic of China and other four departments pointed out that employees should be arranged to work outdoors for more than 4 hours in cold weather below - 25 ℃, and cold allowance should be paid to employees. The introduction of this series of policies is enough to show that low-temperature allowance has both legal basis and legal rights and interests that outdoor workers deserve.

However, despite the relevant provisions, there are still some problems in the actual implementation. For example, the specific standard of low temperature allowance is not uniform; And there are still many outdoor workers who do not understand the conditions for receiving low-temperature allowance and fail to receive low-temperature allowance in full and on time.

future, guarantee good Rights and interests of outdoor workers under low temperature There is still a need for joint efforts. The relevant departments should not only improve and refine the relevant regulations in the system, but also ensure that these regulations are effectively implemented in practical operations, so that the "paper" low temperature benefits can be effectively put into the "pocket". At the same time, all sectors of society should also have more understanding and care for the vast number of outdoor workers, so that they can also feel warm in the face of extreme cold weather.

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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