• 3D printing world

    Recently, the news of 3D printing a villa has been on Weibo hot search, and 3D printing technology has once again become a hot topic of discussion. We take you into 3D printing technology to see the relationship between this high-end technology and people's life.

  • Can "Da Vinci" paint or operate?

    This Da Vinci is not that Da Vinci! The da Vinci robot, which consists of a surgeon's console, a bedside mechanical arm system, and an imaging system, can perform complex surgery by using minimally invasive methods.

  • When a robot puts on a "white coat"

    Can 2D CT imaging become 3D digital image? AI will customize the operation plan for you? How powerful is the mysterious surgeon's "artifact"? Computer assisted surgery system: a domestic medical spokesman in China

  • Evolution History of Elk

    Elk is a rare animal in the world, belonging to the deer family. Because its head and face are like a horse, its horns are like deer, its neck is like a camel, and its tail is like a donkey, it is named Sibuxiang. Nanhaizi Milu Park is the first nature reserve for milu deer in China, which mainly focuses on free range breeding.

  • 06

    Woki Army

    Associate Chief Physician of Urology Department of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

  • 06

    Liu Feng

    Director of Urological Endoscopy Center of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

  • 06

    Zhang Qi

    Assistant Director of Department of Urology, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

  • 06

    Qi Xiaolong

    Deputy Director of Department of Urology, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

  • 06

    Zhang Dahong

    Vice President of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital

  • 05

    Liu Na

    Vice President of BGI

  • 03

    Wang Xiao

    Deputy Director of Hisense Medical System Institute

  • 03

    Liu Wenjian

    Deputy General Manager of Hisense Medical Marketing Headquarters

  • 03

    Tian Guangye

    Deputy Director of Hisense Medical Digital Imaging Institute

  • 02

    Gan Zhaoyou

    General Manager of Chengdu Hangyu Technology Co., Ltd

  • 01

    Guo Geng

    Beijing Nanhaizi Milu Garden Museum
    Deputy Director of Beijing Biodiversity Conservation Research Center

  • Bai Lu

    Bai Lu

    Guangming Network Anchor

  • Jinhe


    Guangming Network Anchor

  • Cai Lin

    Cai Lin

    Guangming Network Anchor

  • 3D printing Dubai office area

  • 3D printing Chinese courtyard interior environment

  • Walk into the operating room and get close to the "Da Vinci" robotic surgery system

  • Uncover the mystery of genes

  • Experts demonstrate Hisense digital operating room system

  • Laboratory simulation BRT station

  • Engineers introduce smart bus system

  • Peacocks also came to join in the excitement

  • Experts are interpreting the "evolution" history of milu deer for netizens

  • Is it reliable for robots to wear "white coats"?

  • Live broadcast of intelligent urban road traffic equipment

  • Experts reveal the whole process of DIY of fighter model

  • 1: 1 missile model

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