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Fund comparator

1. Four funds can be compared at the same time.
2. You can also select funds for comparison through fund tools such as fund filters.

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    Popular PK combinations this month

    • No.1 equity fund portfolio

    • NO.2 Hybrid Fund Portfolio

    • No.3 Bond fund portfolio

    • NO.4 Monetary Fund Portfolio


    1. The past performance of the fund does not represent the future income level. The results of fund screening and comparison are only for investors' reference and cannot be used as an investment basis.

    2. All fees provided by the fund transaction fee calculator are for reference, and the specific fees are subject to the data confirmed by the registration authority.

    3. The results of fund income calculation are only for reference, and cannot represent the true investment income of investors, nor can they be used as the basis for evaluating future investment income. Investors should not take the data provided on the website as the standard for investment funds.

    4. The company will try its best to maintain the accuracy of fund related data and information, but will not guarantee the accuracy of such data and information.

    5. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the CSRC, the relevant calculation involved in this instrument adopts the external deduction method.