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Tool Introduction

This tool provides real-time DNS detection, which can quickly detect the results of target domain name resolution by different networks in different regions, and can query all DNS records of the target domain name, including but not limited to A AAAA、CNAME、MX、NS、PTR、SRV、SOA、TXT、CAA、DS、DNSKEY。

A Record:

The most basic record type, also called address record, provides IPv4 addresses for domain names or subdomains. This record points the domain name to the IP address.

AAAA record:

Map host names to 128 bit IPv6 Address. For a long time, 32-bit IPv4 addresses have been used to identify computers on the Internet. However, due to the shortage of IPv4, IPv6 was created. Four "A" (AAAA) are mnemonics, indicating that IPv6 is four times larger than IPv4.

CNAME record:

Also called canonical name record, it creates an alias of a domain name. The alias domain or subdomain obtains all DNS records of the original domain, which is usually used to associate the subdomain with the existing primary domain.

MX record:

Also known as a mail exchange record, it tells which mail exchange servers are responsible for routing e-mail to the correct destination or mail server.

NS record:

Also known as a name server record, it refers to the name server that has the authority to manage and publish DNS records for this domain. These DNS servers are authoritative in processing any queries related to this domain.

PTR record:

Also called a pointer record, it points an IPv4 or IPv6 address to the host name of its computer. It provides reverse DNS records or rDNS records by pointing the IP address to the host name of the server.

SRV record:

Also called a service record, it indicates the specific service and port number that the domain is running. Internet protocols such as Extensible Messaging and Status Protocol (XMPP) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) usually require SRV records.

SOA record:

It is also called the authorization authority start record, which provides basic information about the domain, such as identifying the master node of the domain authoritative name server, the email of the domain administrator, and the serial number of the DNS zone.

TXT record:

Allow site administrators to insert arbitrary text into DNS records.

CAA record:

Also known as a certification authority authorization record, it reflects public policy on issuing digital certificates for a domain. If CAA records do not exist in your domain, any certification authority can issue SSL certificates. However, with this record, you can limit which CA Has the right to issue digital credentials for your domain.

DS record:

Also known as delegated signer record, it consists of the unique character of the public key and its related metadata (such as key token, algorithm, digest type, and cryptographic hash value called digest).

DNSKEY record:

Also known as DNS key record, it contains public signature keys, such as zone signature key (ZSK) and key signature key (KSK). DS and DNSKEY records verify the DNS returned by the DNS server The authenticity of the record.

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