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Tool Introduction

1. What are the benefits of opening GZIP?

Answer: After Gzip is enabled, the data output to the user's browser will be compressed, which will reduce the amount of data transmitted through the network and improve the browsing speed.

2. How to enable the Gzip compression function of IIS:

A: First, if you need to compress the static file (HTML), you need to create a directory on the hard disk and give it the write permission of the user "IUSR_Machine Name". If you compress a dynamic file (PHP, asp, aspx), you don't need it, because its pages are generated dynamically every time, and you will give up after compression. Then in IIS Manager, right click "Website" - Properties, not a certain site below, but the entire website. Enter the "Service" tab, select Enable dynamic content compression and static content compression. Then select the server extension under the website and create a new server extension. The name doesn't matter. The path of the following added file is: c: windows system32 inetsrv gzip.dll, and then enable this extension. At this time, static content can be compressed, but for dynamic content, aspx files are not in the compression range. Because the default compressible file does not have this extension. In the management interface, you can't find a place to add an extension. At this time, you have to modify its configuration file. There is a MetaBase.xml file under c: windows system32 inetsrv , which can be opened with Notepad, and IIsCompressionScheme can be found. There are three segments with the same name, namely, define, gzip, and Parameters, The third section doesn't matter. The first two sections have basically the same parameters. Add a line of aspx under the parameters HcScriptFileExtensions of these two sections. If you have other dynamic programs to compress, add them here. HcDynamicCompressionLevel is changed to 9 (0-10, 9 is the most cost-effective). Then you need to restart the IIS service to experience the speed after compression.

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