❤️ Girlfriend Circle (Big Aunt Record) APP/H5/applet [Top] - 2.3.26 (Updated: 2024.06.25)

Maybe it's a sequela of taking medicine. I lost sleep at night. But I'm sleepy in the daytime. Hem, haw, haw.

Even so, I still released a new version, hoping there were no errors. Fortunately, the code was changed before.

 2024.06.25 2.3.26 Digital version number: 346 1. Calendar module supports sliding switch 2. Optimize the display of calendar page 3. Fix the problem that your menstrual period cannot start today 4. Fix the calendar jump bug
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Cannibals catch a migrant worker and release him

In recent days, I have been suffering from diseases. However, I have no idea how to get these diseases. After getting up on Saturday morning, I didn't feel anything strange. However, I accompanied Baozi to finish piano lessons. When I sent her to her little aunt's house, I found that I had no strength to climb the stairs. My back hurt badly and I sweated all over when I climbed the stairs.

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Qiandonkey is poor in skills - the mountain is poor and the water is doubtful again

I have always wanted to make the sliding switch effect of the app calendar of the girlfriends circle, but the current control used by Ran Goose is mr calendar. https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=7251

The reason for using this control is that after testing all the controls in the current market, the one that can achieve the use effect, or the one that has the best effect is this control. It supports custom styles, so the actual use effect is OK.

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