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      Fengqi Community builds a love bridge for the elderly

      Released on February 17, 2023 at 19:40:11, Long term effective , 226 Browse
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    Published on: January 11, 2023 Source: Tonglu News Network
    "Take it well, uncle. There are antipyretic drugs, heat clearing and detoxifying Chinese patent medicines, masks and disinfectants in the 'epidemic prevention kit'. You must read the instructions carefully before you use them. Pay attention to protection in daily life. If you have any problems, you can call our community..." "OK, OK, thank you, young man."
    In recent days, Fengqi Community of Fengchuan Street has precisely matched the differentiated needs of the elderly in its jurisdiction, carried out the "epidemic" line to deliver warmth, built a bridge of love, and conveyed the warmth of the community. At the same time, according to the different needs of the elderly, we will carry out customized services, promote the socialization and professional development of home-based and community elderly care services, so that the elderly can have something to rely on, care for, and enjoy.
    As vulnerable groups, the elderly living alone and the empty nest elderly need more care and care from the whole society. For this reason, Fengqi Community has carefully sorted out the relevant information of the elderly in the area in the early stage, registered and archived the information of the elderly such as empty nests and living alone, provided one-on-one community support contacts, and cared for the elderly in need in the area with practical actions.
    "Fengqi Community distributed a warm heart 'epidemic prevention and health package' to the elderly over 60 years old." Xu Fei, secretary of the Party branch of Fengqi Community, said that after the protective materials were delivered to the community, community staff immediately repackaged them. Each "anti epidemic health package" contains a box of anti-virus oral liquid, a fever medicine, 10 masks, a bottle of disinfectant, a thermometer and two antigen detection agents. Each "epidemic prevention kit" will also be attached with a warm reminder of epidemic prevention health and a health medical service card of Fengqi community to guide the elderly to strengthen protection, scientific epidemic prevention and rational drug use. Although "epidemic prevention kit" is "light", it conveys the warmth of the community.
    In door-to-door service, community staff talked with the elderly, explained epidemic prevention and control knowledge to the elderly, and reminded them of daily precautions, such as more ventilation, less going out, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, etc. At the same time, tell the elderly that they can contact the community in time when they encounter difficulties in their daily life, so that they can fully feel the care from the community family.
    Fengqi Community also delivered hand cream, hand sanitizer, detergent and a love service card when distributing "epidemic prevention kit" to the elderly living alone. In the future, the elderly can contact the contracted family doctors, health service specialists, grid principals, etc. as soon as they encounter health problems.
    "Find the community when you have something to do" is an option that all elderly residents can think of. Community staff may not do much, but they provide the elderly in the area with the most reliable help. "Our children are not around, and we are also old. It is inconvenient to go to the hospital, and sometimes we have to endure discomfort. Now you have sent us so many supplies, I really appreciate it!" Grandma Xie said happily to the community staff.

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