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In 2023, the skills of "three branches and one support" in Jilin Province: "shortcut" to find prerequisite questions through "bridging"

2022-12-12 17:20:58 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

In the line test, judgment and reasoning account for a large proportion. One of the questions is very unique, and the accuracy rate is very low from the feedback of students' own questions. This question is the "premise" question in the possible reasoning. How to do with this type of question is actually very simple. We just need to "bridge the gap". Next, let's take a look at it.

1、 Concept of prerequisite questions

1. The prerequisite is the necessary condition.

2. Questions: "Which of the following is a necessary prerequisite for the above argument to be true", "Which of the following preconditions must be added to make the above conclusion true", "Which of the following assumptions must be supplemented".

2、 Problem solving method - "bridging method"

The "bridging method" is to find the jumping concept between arguments and conclusions and establish a connection. For example, according to Xiao Ming's preference for hotpot, I guess Xiao Ming must be a handsome guy. In this reasoning, the argument is that Xiao Ming likes hot pot, and the conclusion is that Xiao Ming is handsome. But it is obvious that "eating hot pot" and "being handsome" are two different concepts, and there is a jump between them. So to make the conclusion tenable, we must establish the relationship between the two, that is, to establish the relationship between hot pot and handsome boys. For example, boys who like to eat hot pot are generally very handsome. Next, let's use an example to see how to operate in the question.

3、 Examination question presentation


Geologists found two mysterious natural landscapes with a diameter of more than 200 kilometers in central Australia, 3 kilometers underground from the surface. The quartz sand contained in the landscape has clusters of thin lines, most of which are parallel straight lines. Geologists believe that these landscapes are probably craters formed by huge meteorite impact, and the structure of quartz sand is the evidence of fracture.

Which of the following is a necessary prerequisite for the above argument?

A. Only after high-speed meteorite impact, the quartz sand in the formation will show a fracture structure with parallel straight lines

B. Quartz sand generally exists on the earth's surface and rarely changes due to its hardness, wear resistance and stable chemical properties

C. The large diameter of this landscape is different from other meteorite craters, and it may not be formed at one time

D. The rocks around the landscape were formed 300 million to 420 million years ago, so the impact should also occur in that period

[Chinese public resolution] A. The question stem question method is "necessary premise", that is, premise type questions. First, sort out the arguments and conclusions in the question stem. The conclusion of the topic is that the mysterious natural landscape is a crater formed by meteorite impact. The argument says that quartz sand has many parallel straight lines. We will find that "many parallel straight lines of quartz sand" and "meteorite impact" are obviously two different concepts. There is a jump between the two concepts, and we need to establish the relationship between them. Item A: The option points out that only after meteorite impact, the quartz sand in the stratum will show a fracture structure containing parallel straight lines, that is, the connection between "many parallel straight lines of quartz sand" and "meteorite impact" has been established, which is a necessary prerequisite and remains; Item B: the option points out that quartz sand generally exists on the surface of the earth and rarely changes. It is just to discuss the nature of quartz sand, which has nothing to do with whether the landscape discussed in the conclusion is a meteorite crater formed by meteorite impact, so it is excluded; Item C: The option indicates that the landscape may be formed many times, which is irrelevant to whether the landscape is a meteorite crater formed by meteorite impact discussed in the conclusion, so it is excluded; Item D: The option is to infer the time of impact according to the time of formation of rocks around the landscape, which has nothing to do with whether the landscape is a meteorite crater formed by meteorite impact and is excluded. So the correct answer is A.

Through the above knowledge, we can sum up the ideas for meeting prerequisite questions: the first step is to determine whether the question stem belongs to the prerequisite type by asking questions; The second step is to find out the concept of jumping of arguments and conclusions; The third step is to compare the options and find out the answer to establish the jump concept relationship. Let's try it!


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(Editor in charge: Gan Guojun)

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