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2022 Police recruitment exam interview skills: how to go from stuttering to answering fluently

2022-11-15 12:21:44 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

The interview examines the examinee's all-round ability, of which the ability of verbal expression can be said to run through the interview, and even directly related to the success or failure of the interview, its importance is self-evident. However, in the interview preparation of many examinees, they will find that they can talk freely in their daily life, but once they arrive at the examination room, they will have problems such as answering haltingly, saying "um", "ah", "this", "that" and then "frequently, or words fail to convey the meaning, logical words are used improperly, and so on. How can we deal with these questions and answer them fluently in the interview?

First, use logical words well and express clearly. Some recruitment units often give examinees writing papers, and examinees have time to think before answering. However, many examinees do not have the habit of using logical connectors when making an outline. They often make a pot of stew when answering questions, mixing all the contents together, which eventually leads to the situation of stuttering in the tight interview room, forgetting what to say. Although some examinees have the consciousness of using logical words, which makes their answers seem more orderly, they often mix and match logical words. This requires candidates to be good at using logical words, such as "first... second... again... last"; "First...... Second...... Third...... Fourth......"; "On the one hand..., on the other hand...".

Second, strengthen accumulation and consolidate the foundation. Most of the interviews of Yunnan police recruitment and police recruitment will examine the current political hot spots, policies and regulations, etc. This part requires the examinee to "learn from hard work on the road" and accumulate a lot in private. Through WeChat official accounts such as "Xinhua News Agency" and "People's Daily", official app platforms such as "Learning Powerful Country" and "Yunling Pioneer", and platforms such as dithering and WeChat video, a large amount of accumulation can be made through multiple channels. It is not necessary to recite hot spot theories, but to understand these hot spots and express them in your own words, which can be golden sentences, background, reason, significance, harm and countermeasures, so that they can be expressed in a targeted way in the answer.

Third, daily communication, diligence can make up for weakness. Language expression, like writing, is a skill. If we want to master it, we need to practice it frequently. This requires examinees to abandon the thinking of written examination study and only study hard without expression during the interview preparation; Try to use Mandarin as much as possible in daily life, and communicate with people around in a more standardized language; At the same time, the accumulated hot knowledge, good words and sentences, and interview questions are repeatedly trained until they are satisfied; In addition, it is better to have someone guide our expression and correct problems in time. Finally, you need to be able to carry out breakthrough exercises, improvise, briefly think about a topic or topic, and immediately express your views.

As long as we practice our determination to "ride the wind and waves, and sail straight to the sea", we will be able to get rid of Caton in the examination room and answer without hesitation.


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(Editor in charge: Gan Guojun)

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