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2021 Jilin Province Community Examination Test Preparation: "Practice Demonstration" How to "Practice"

2021-04-14 10:49:37 | Source: Jilin Zhonggong Education

In the practice test, the weak and strengthened questions are often examined. Many students love and hate this kind of topic. The accuracy of the question is sometimes high and sometimes low. The question is done entirely by feeling. When they see the question, they are completely subjective and feel that they are in the fog. Where is the exit at this time? Zhonggong Education is here to give you advice.

The important thing is to weaken our subjective conjecture and clarify the argument ideas, that is, we need to know how the reasoning process is presented in the question stem when facing different contents. Now let's introduce a common demonstration model "practical demonstration" in weakening and strengthening questions, so as to analyze the question stem information more accurately. "Practical demonstration" refers to a plan (including methods, suggestions, countermeasures, etc.) proposed to achieve a goal or goal. For this kind of situation, we need to find out the problems to be solved, as well as specific plans and practices. If you want to weaken it, you can start from two aspects: ① the practice is not operable; ② the practice cannot achieve the purpose; On the contrary, if we want to strengthen it, we can start from two aspects: ① operability and ② achieving the goal.

Example Generally speaking, plastic is extremely difficult to be decomposed, even small fragments are difficult to be degraded by the ecosystem, so the environmental damage caused by it is very serious. Recently, scientists found that an insect called wax insect can degrade polyethylene very quickly. If we use biotechnology to replicate wax insects to degrade polyethylene, it will help us effectively clean up the plastic waste accumulated in landfills and oceans.

Which of the following, if true, cannot support the above conclusion

A. The main component of plastic waste around the world is polyethylene

B. Wax worms can indeed destroy the polymer chains of polyethylene plastics

C. The impact of polyethylene degraded by wax insects on the environment is not clear

D. Existing scientific and technological means can purify the polyethylene degrading enzyme of wax insects

[Answer] C

[Zhonggong Resolution] The main line of the question stem argument, the argument of the question stem: an insect called wax insect can degrade polyethylene, and the speed is extremely fast. Conclusion: If we use biotechnology to replicate wax insects to degrade polyethylene, it will help us effectively clean up the plastic waste accumulated in landfills and the sea. Item A points out that the main component of plastic waste around the world is polyethylene, and wax insects can degrade polyethylene, so wax insects can help us effectively clean up plastic waste, which can support the conclusion. Item B points out that wax insects can destroy the polymer chain of polyethylene plastics, indicating that wax insects can help us clean up plastic waste, which supports the conclusion of the question. For item C, it is said that the impact of polyethylene degraded by wax insects on the environment is not clear, so it cannot be determined whether the means of polyethylene degradation by wax insects can be used, which cannot support the conclusion of the question. Item D refers to the existence of scientific and technological means that can purify the polyethylene degrading enzymes of wax insects, which indicates that wax insects can indeed be used to clean plastic waste, supporting the conclusion of the question. So choose C.

When encountering such problems again, first find out the purpose and countermeasures, and then quickly find out the above weakening and strengthening angles to solve the problem.

Zhonggong Education suggests that in the process of preparing for the examination, the foundation must be firmly laid and a good habit of doing questions should be formed.


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(Editor in charge: Gan Guojun)

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