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2020 The writing skills of Jilin military to cadre argumentation article: the principle effect of argumentation writing materials

2020-02-13 09:58:05 | Source: Secondary public education

In the process of argumentation writing, argumentation has always been a headache for students. As an authoritative means of argumentation, the principle argumentation method, if properly applied, will effectively improve the persuasiveness of the composition. The following are several common effects sorted out by the public education for everyone, which can be used for reference in writing:

1. Lazy ant effect: Only when you are lazy about sundries can you be diligent in using your brain.

(1) Principle explanation: There are always a group of ants looking around and doing nothing in the ant colony, which are called lazy ants. If the food source of the entire ant colony is cut off, the busy ant colony in the past will be helpless, and the lazy ants can lead them to the new food source that has been predicted;

(2) Application: diligent in thinking, good at observation, with long-term vision;

2. Frog rule: always keep a sense of crisis.

(1) Principle explanation: Put a group of frogs into a pot of boiling water, and the frogs will jump out of the pot immediately. But put the frogs into cold water, and then slowly heat them with a small fire. The frogs can feel the change, but they are unwilling to jump out of the pot because of inertia. When the heat is intolerable, it will be too late;

(2) Application: the sense of hardship of the politicians;

3. domino effect: pull one hair to move the whole body, chain effect.

(1) Principle explanation: When a domino is upright, its center of gravity is high, and when it falls, its center of gravity drops. When it falls, its gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. When it falls on the second card, this kinetic energy is transferred to the second card. The second card combines the kinetic energy transferred from the first card with the kinetic energy converted from its own gravitational potential energy during its fall, Pass it to the third card So when each card falls down, it has more kinetic energy than the previous card, so their speed is faster than each other, that is, the energy they push down in turn is greater than each other;

(2) Application: The initial energy may produce a series of chain consequences that are difficult to avoid and can be used for children's education, rural development, etc

4. Forest effect: collective competition promotes growth.

(1) Principle explanation: if a tree grows alone in the suburbs, even if it survives, it is mostly withered and deformed; If it grows in the forest, the branches compete for water and dew, and each tree competes for sunshine, so that it stands tall and luxuriant;

(2) Use: the collective power is greater than the individual, emphasizing that the individual can grow in the collective competition;

5. Iron nail effect: details determine success or failure.

(1) Principle explanation: In 1485, in Bosworth, England, King Richard III prepared to fight to the death with the army led by Henry, the Earl of Richmond. In the afternoon of the battle, Richard asked the groom to prepare his favorite horse. When the blacksmith was pawing the war horse, one of the horseshoes was not nailed firmly because of the lack of several nails. When the two armies met, King Richard rushed to the front and urged the soldiers to fight. "Go, go," he shouted, leading the team to the enemy. King Richard's team was about to win. Suddenly, a horse's paw fell off, and the horse fell to the ground. When the soldiers saw the king fall, they turned and retreated. Henry's army surrounded Richard and captured him;

(2) Application: Each link may be related to the overall situation, emphasizing excellence.

The above are several principle effects of argumentation writing materials, which are commonly used in examinations. Zhonggong Education hopes that all leaders can flexibly apply it in their argumentation writing. Finally, I wish all leaders good results in the exam.


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(Editor in charge: Xian Er)

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