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The doctor warns that if these five symptoms occur in the foot, don't take it seriously. It is a precursor of diabetes

2022-06-21 00:06:55 39 Health Network
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Core tip: hyperglycemia foot prophet! These five abnormalities in the feet indicate that diabetes has arrived

After retirement, Uncle Wang has lived a leisurely life. Every morning, he goes out to exercise. Sometimes he plays chess with his old friends. He is still strong, so he has a good life.

However, some time ago, Uncle Wang often had foot pain. He thought that he was walking too much, so he rested for several days, but the foot pain did not ease. Then he suspected that it was rheumatism, and went to the pharmacy to buy some rheumatism stickers, which did not improve for half a month.

His family took him to the hospital for examination after hearing about his symptoms. The doctor suggested that he check his blood sugar. It was found that Uncle Wang had diabetes, and leg pain was one of the symptoms of diabetes. After listening to this, Uncle Wang was puzzled. How can diabetes still cause leg pain?

Why do diabetic patients have foot pain symptoms?

Diabetic foot is a very common and serious complication. The first symptom of diabetic foot is foot pain. that , why diabetic Will appear Pedalgic symptom What about?

first, diabetes Will lead to Peripheral vessel narrowing send Lower limb blood circulation Foot pain caused by unsmooth; Plus diabetes Will also lead to Neuropathy , patient can Feel neuralgia , and foot again Human body susceptible to Neuralgic One part will be aggravated Symptoms of foot pain.

secondly, diabetes Patients are more than ordinary people Susceptible reach Bacteria Of Infected Once you are Infected It is easy to delay and not heal, leading to easy infection Forming ulcers, It may even lead to Foot Of Tissue necrosis and aggravate foot pain symptom

last, diabetic It will decrease Yes Painful patience can power When Elevated blood sugar When patient Will improve Yes sense of pain Of sensitive degree

There are four conditions in the foot, and diabetes has already been on the upper body!

Feet numbness and cold

The most common symptoms of diabetic foot at the initial stage are numbness and cold feet. Many people think that this is caused by cold weather. In fact, when this happens, you must be alert. It may be caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Because the blood sugar of diabetic patients is too high for a long time, it is easy to cause Thickening of blood vessel wall, arteriosclerosis of lower limbs and decrease of elasticity in feet In such cases, blood vessels are easy to form thrombus and plaque, leading to occlusion of lower limb blood vessels.

At this time, diabetic patients will have foot numbness. Their feet will feel numb, afraid of cold, insensitive or even lost. Walking is like stepping on cotton.

In addition, foot Department Off heart Position far , long-term high blood sugar Will cause capillary happen pathological changes, Even let Large blood vessels are blocked, Will hinder blood circulation Without nutrition supply for feet, they are easy to get cold and numb  

Itchy feet, ulcers

When foot itching and ulcers occur, it indicates that diabetes has developed to a more serious level. Usually, foot ulcers are divided into neurological, mixed and ischemic three Species, ulcer site It is easy to occur in the forefoot If blood sugar is not controlled, gangrene is easy to occur.

The reason why diabetes can cause foot itching and ulcers is that the long-term high blood sugar will reduce the elasticity of lower limb blood vessels and thicken the blood vessel walls. At this time, it is easy to form plaque to block the lower limb blood vessels, and also damage the branch nerves, resulting in lower limb tissue lesions.

At this time, the feet will become very fragile, Once there is a slight wound, it is easy to have bacterial infection The feet itch and fester, which is often referred to as diabetic feet.

Foot ulcer caused by diabetes very difficult heal, Bacteria tend to gather more and more , will aggravate ulcer symptoms, and even lead to Skin necrosis , festering.

Foot skin abnormality

Diabetic Lower limbs are prone to ischemia The foot skin can not get sufficient blood moisture, which will easily lead to muscle atrophy, which will lead to the foot Dry and aging skin In the early stage, abnormal symptoms will also appear on the skin of both feet.

Skin color of feet From Normal color slowly Turn purplish red This could be blood circulation Caused by obstruction, because Blood vessel damage caused by diabetes can Blood flow velocity of feet change Slow, So that Skin change of foot by Fuchsia.

Intermittent claudication

Blood sugar in diabetics level Higher, Will be right Blood circulation of the body Causing adverse effects, especially in the lower limbs Insufficient blood supply , once Long term blood insufficiency of lower limbs, soft tissue Maybe Problems occur, cause Soft tissue contusion and fracture Etc.

When Condition constantly aggravate, Motor nerves will also be affected So it is easy to fall down when walking May yes Intermittent claudication symptom , later still May restrict activities, You must Timely treatment.

When diabetic patients have diabetic foot symptoms, they must be vigilant and go to the hospital for inspection and treatment in time. Only by controlling their condition can they control foot symptoms. In addition, it is necessary to control the blood sugar level in order to prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot.

reference material:

[1] Li Yongjun . Watch out for early symptoms of diabetic foot [J]. Jiangsu Health Care: Health Care Today ,2014:13-13.

[2] nothing . What are the symptoms of diabetic foot [J]. Journal of Medicine and Health Care ,2008:62-62.

[3] What are the symptoms and manifestations of diabetic pre foot ? [J]. Health Guide: Health Care Services ,2014:66-66.

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