The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has identified the theme of World Diabetes Day in 2018 and 2019 as The Family and Diabetes. A "healthy" family plays an important role in the prevention, management and care of diabetes. Just as one person gets cancer, the whole family is uneasy, and diabetes also has a certain "familial nature". If one person gets "sugar", the family should not take it lightly, which should not only be reflected in their own management and prevention, but also pay attention to the care of patients. However, the importance of "family" for diabetics has been ignored by most people

World Diabetes Day: Family and Diabetes

The prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of every disease can not be separated from the help of "family", especially diabetes. But more than 80% of the families have very weak awareness of danger in this respect [Detailed]

Basic knowledge of diabetes

Current situation of diabetes in China

The prevalence of diabetes in all age groups in China is 6.6%, and China has the largest population in the world, and is also one of the countries with the largest number of diabetes in the world. According to the survey, the estimated prevalence rate of adult diabetes in 2002 was 2.6%, but only five years later, this figure rapidly rose to 9.7%, and then rose to 10.9% in 2013. [Detailed]

World Diabetes Day: Do you really understand diabetes

Correct preservation of insulin

Insulin can be said to be the "life-saving medicine" for many diabetic patients, but many sugar lovers have not done a good job in the preservation of insulin [Detailed]

Do you believe these rumors about diabetes

There are still some misunderstandings about the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Will you not get diabetes without sugar? Can the drug be stopped when blood sugar drops? Is it safer to eat health products than to take medicine? [Detailed]

Beware of gestational diabetes during pregnancy

Pregnant women often take all kinds of major and minor supplements, but "good food and good sleep" may lead to gestational diabetes [Detailed]

World Diabetes Day: Why is diabetes terrible?

If we just say "high blood sugar" itself, it is not terrible. However, long-term hyperglycemia has brought a series of complications, which have a great impact on the physical and mental health of patients. The purpose of blood sugar control is to prevent complications. In the early stage of diabetes, there are no obvious symptoms. Even if the blood sugar is high, patients and their families often do not pay attention to it - in many people's minds, only "uncomfortable" can be called "sick". In this case of slack treatment, continuous hyperglycemia slowly affected the whole body, leading to pathological changes in various tissues and organs.

World Diabetes Day: Family Management of Diabetes

"Moderate exercise" is good for health. How can sugar lovers grasp this degree Pay attention to these small details when measuring blood sugar

Now many families will prepare a blood glucose meter in their own home, but the operation details of the blood glucose meter are easy to be ignored, resulting in inaccurate measurement results [Detailed]

Worried about blood sugar uncertainty? See if you've made any of these mistakes

Blood glucose detection is an essential link in the treatment of diabetes. But are you sure that the values you measured are true and reliable? Have you ever made these mistakes about "blood sugar measurement" [Detailed]

Diabetes hypoglycemia occurs frequently, what should be paid attention to?

Taking hypoglycemic drugs, controlling diet, and reducing weight through exercise are the main ways for diabetics to reduce blood sugar, but a little carelessness can easily lead to "overexertion" and hypoglycemia [Detailed]

Low blood sugar at night, a "killer" lurking in sugar friends' dreams

After surviving the daytime, is it "safe" as long as you fall asleep? In fact, many dangers occur during sleep, such as hypoglycemia. If handled in time, the harm is not too great, but hypoglycemia often occurs at night, difficult to detect [Detailed]

Diabetes diet: low fat and high protein? How to grasp this "high and low"?
Diabetes life intervention How to balance diet, exercise and medication

We should not take more medicine, and life intervention should not be excessive! [Detailed]

Life intervention of diabetes mellitus in the elderly

What can the family do to help the elderly with diabetes? [Detailed]

World Diabetes Day: Diabetes is also related to these

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