Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction

Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd

Established in September 2019, Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd. is responsible for selling "Zhengguang" to produce ion exchange resin, biochemical separation medium and macroporous adsorbent. Among them, ion exchange resins include four series of styrene series, acrylic acid series, phenolic resin series and epoxy resin series, and there are more than 300 varieties in seven types of strong acid, weak acid, strong base, weak base, amphoteric, chelating and inert resins; Biochemical separation media include ion exchange chromatography media, hydrophobic interaction chromatography media, affinity chromatography media, gel chromatography media and activation intermediates; Macroporous adsorbent includes nonpolar adsorbent, medium polar adsorbent and polar adsorbent. The registered trademarks are "Zhengguang" and "Hydrolite", which have passed the strict ISO 9001 standard quality system certification. View details

Business Information

Business information
  • Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd
  • Ion exchange resin
  • Tianjin Binhai New Area
  • Ion exchange resin
  • RMB 10 million
  • private limited liability company
  • 1949-01-01 to 2031-01-01
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Company Information

  • Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
  • Tianjin Zhengguang
  • private limited liability company
  • 2019-09-27
  • Ion exchange resin
  • Tianjin Binhai New Area Huayuan Industrial Park

contact information

  • Ye Heng
  • 򈊡򈊨򈊥򈊠򈊢򈊦򈊨򈊣򈊩򈊩򈊢
  • yeheng0712
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
    Enterprise has been certified
    WeChat certified
    Checked by Tianyan
  • 1 day
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About us
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Name: Tianjin Zhengguang Synthetic Resin Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊥򈊠򈊢򈊦򈊨򈊣򈊩򈊩򈊢
Address: Huayuan Industrial Park
Main products
Ion exchange resin

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