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Li Qiang Meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Release time: 2024-05-17 09:22

Source: Xinhua News Agency



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On the afternoon of May 16, Premier Li Qiang met in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Russian President Vladimir Putin on a state visit to China.

Li Qiang said that in recent years, under the guidance of the strategic plan of the two heads of state, China and Russia have always adhered to the principles of non alignment, non confrontation and non targeting the third party to develop bilateral relations. Practical cooperation in various fields has steadily progressed, people to people and cultural exchanges and local exchanges have flourished, and the social public opinion foundation of friendship between the two countries has been increasingly consolidated, setting a model of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation between major countries. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. President Xi Jinping held a meeting with Mr. President to make a new strategic plan for the development of China Russia relations in the next stage. China is willing to work with Russia to follow the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, consolidate and inherit the friendship from generation to generation, continue to deepen cooperation in all fields, promote common development between China and Russia, better benefit the two peoples, and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind.


On the afternoon of May 16, Premier Li Qiang met in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was in China for a state visit. Photographed by Rao Aimin, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Li Qiang pointed out that China is willing to work with Russia to promote the docking and cooperation between the "Belt and Road" construction and the Eurasian Economic Union in a deeper and more practical way, coordinate to promote regional integration and regional economic integration and development, continue to improve the level of trade liberalization and facilitation, and deepen cooperation in trade, energy, connectivity and other fields. The two sides should take the "China Russia Cultural Year" as an opportunity to further promote cooperation in culture and tourism, sports, youth, health care and other fields, and constantly enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

Putin said that Russia China relations are based on mutual equality, mutual benefit and win-win results and are in line with the interests of the two countries and the two peoples. At present, Russia China relations have reached the highest level. I had a fruitful meeting with President Xi Jinping to make plans for the long-term development of bilateral relations. Russia is willing to work with China to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as an opportunity to further strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, energy, agriculture, infrastructure construction, and so on, to successfully run the "Russia China Cultural Year", to deepen people to people and cultural exchanges in education, culture, health, sports, youth, and so on, and to promote Russia China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination to a new level in the new era.

Wu Zhenglong attended the meeting.

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