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The joint statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries (full text)

Release time: 09:31, May 17, 2024

Source: Xinhua News Agency



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Joint statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries

At the invitation of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China from May 16 to 17, 2024. The two heads of state held formal talks in Beijing and jointly attended the opening ceremony of the China Russia Cultural Year 2024-2025 and the special concert on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Putin also went to Harbin to attend the opening ceremony of the 8th China Russia Expo.

The People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") declare as follows:


In 2024, China and Russia will solemnly celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Over the past 75 years, China Russia relations have gone through an extraordinary course of development. The Soviet Union was the first country in the world to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China recognized the Russian Federation as the legitimate successor of the Soviet Union and reaffirmed its willingness to develop Sino Russian relations on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation. The Treaty of Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation signed on July 16, 2001 has laid a solid foundation for the continuous and comprehensive strengthening of China Russia relations. The positioning of bilateral relations has been constantly improved, reaching the highest level in the history of comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era. With the unremitting efforts of both sides, China Russia relations follow the national interests of both countries, uphold the spirit of permanent good neighborliness and friendship, and maintain healthy and stable development.

The two sides pointed out that the current China Russia relationship transcends the military and political alliance model of the cold war era, and has the nature of non alignment, non confrontation and non targeting against third parties. In the face of the turbulent and changing world pattern, China Russia relations have withstood the test of international changes, highlighted the characteristics of stability and tenacity, and are at the best level in history. The two sides stressed that the development of China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, is not an expedient measure, is not affected by a single incident, and has strong endogenous momentum and independent value. The two sides firmly defend their legitimate rights and interests, and oppose any attempt to obstruct the normal development of bilateral relations, interfere in the internal affairs of the two countries, and restrict the economy, technology, and international space of the two countries.

The two sides reaffirmed that China and Russia always regard each other as priority partners, always adhere to mutual respect, equal treatment and win-win cooperation, always abide by the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the basic norms of international relations, and become the model of today's world's major countries and the relationship between each other's largest neighbors. The two sides are willing to further deepen comprehensive strategic coordination, firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests such as sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and development, give reasonable and effective play to their respective advantages, focus on maintaining their respective national security and stability, and promote development and revitalization. The two sides will carry out high-quality and high-level mutually beneficial cooperation in a wide range of fields in accordance with the principles set forth in the Sino Russian Treaty of Good Neighbourly Friendship and Cooperation signed on July 16, 2001 and other bilateral documents and statements.

China welcomes the successful presidential election of the Russian Federation held in March 2024, and believes that this election is highly organized, open, objective and universal. Its results fully demonstrate that the national policy pursued by the Russian government has been widely supported, and the development of friendly relations with the People's Republic of China is an important part of Russia's foreign policy.

China strongly condemns all organizers, implementers and planners of the inhuman terrorist attack in Moscow State on March 22, 2024, believes that attacks on civilians are totally unacceptable, and supports Russia in resolutely combating terrorist and extremist forces and maintaining national peace and stability.

Russia reaffirmed its adherence to the one China principle, recognized that Taiwan is an integral part of the People's Republic of China, opposed any form of "Taiwan independence", and firmly supported China's measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification. China supports Russia in maintaining its own security, stability, development, prosperity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposes outside interference in Russia's internal affairs.

The two sides pointed out that the evolution of the world's major changes has accelerated, the status and strength of the "Global South" countries and regions as emerging powers have continued to increase, and the world's multipolarity has accelerated. These objective factors have accelerated the redistribution of development potential, resources, opportunities, etc., which is beneficial to emerging markets and developing countries, and has promoted the democratization of international relations and international fairness and justice. However, countries that adhere to hegemonism and power politics run counter to this and attempt to replace and subvert the recognized international order based on international law with a "rule-based order". Both sides stressed that the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and a series of global initiatives proposed by China are of great positive significance.

As an independent force in the process of building a multipolar world, China and Russia will fully tap the potential of bilateral relations, promote the realization of an equal and orderly multipolar world and the democratization of international relations, and pool their strength to build a just and reasonable multipolar world.

Both sides believe that all countries have the right to independently choose their own development models and political, economic and social systems in accordance with their own national conditions and the wishes of the people, oppose interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, oppose unilateral sanctions and "long arm jurisdiction" without international law basis and authorization of the Security Council, and oppose ideological demarcation. The two sides pointed out that neo colonialism and hegemonism are totally against the trend of the times, and called for equal dialogue, partnership development, and exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

Both sides will continue to firmly defend the victorious achievements of the Second World War and the post-war world order enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and oppose the denial, distortion and falsification of the history of the Second World War. Both sides pointed out that it is necessary to carry out correct historical education, protect the world's anti fascist memorial facilities, protect them from blasphemy or destruction, and severely condemn beautification and even attempts to revive Nazism and militarism. The two sides plan to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Soviet Patriotic War in 2025, and jointly promote the correct historical view of World War II.


The two sides will take the diplomacy of heads of state as a guide to promote the all-round development of China Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era. The two sides will fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continue to maintain close high-level exchanges, ensure the smooth operation of the government, local and non-governmental exchange mechanism, and actively study and create new cooperation channels.

The two sides will continue to carry out exchanges between leaders of the legislative bodies of the two countries, deepen cooperation between the parliamentary cooperation committees, joint working groups, special committees and friendly groups of parliamentarians of the two countries, maintain exchanges and cooperation between the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the President of the Russian Federation, and carry out mutual trust dialogue within the framework of strategic security consultation and law enforcement security cooperation mechanisms, And promote exchanges between political parties, civil society and academia of the two countries.

The two sides are pleased to point out that the two countries have steadily carried out defense cooperation on the basis of high-level strategic mutual trust and effectively maintained regional and global security. The two sides will further deepen military mutual trust and cooperation, expand the scale of joint exercises and training activities, regularly organize joint maritime and air cruises, strengthen coordination and cooperation under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and constantly improve the ability and level of both sides to jointly address risks and challenges.

The two sides attach great importance to cooperation in the field of law enforcement and security, and are willing to strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism, extremism and transnational organized crime under the framework of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS countries and other frameworks. The two sides are committed to strengthening cooperation between local law enforcement departments of the two countries in border areas.

The two sides pointed out that it is unacceptable to interfere in the sovereign affairs of countries by using multilateral or national justice, or by providing assistance to foreign judicial institutions or multilateral legal mechanisms, and expressed deep concern about the increasingly politicized international criminal justice and violations of human rights and sovereign immunity. Both sides believe that any country or group taking such measures is illegal, violates the accepted norms of international law, and will damage the ability of the international community to combat crime.

The two sides believe that, in accordance with the basic principle of international law of the sovereign equality of all countries, the international obligations of countries and their property (including sovereign reserves) to enjoy immunity must be strictly observed. Both sides condemned the attempt to confiscate foreign assets and property and stressed that the injured country had the right to take countermeasures in accordance with international law. The two sides are determined to protect each other's national property in their own countries and ensure the security, inviolability and timely return of each other's national property during temporary transportation to their own countries.

The two sides plan to improve the recognition and enforcement mechanism of legal judgments stipulated in the Treaty between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Civil and Criminal Judicial Assistance signed on June 19, 1992.

The two sides will continue to strengthen practical cooperation in the field of emergency management, carry out cooperation in the fields of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, safety production, such as space monitoring, aviation rescue technology, and organize joint rescue exercises and training.


The two sides believe that China Russia practical cooperation is an important factor in promoting the economic and social development and common prosperity of the two countries, safeguarding technological progress and national economic sovereignty, realizing national modernization, improving people's well-being, and maintaining the stability and sustainability of the world economy. Both sides are willing to promote inclusive economic globalization. The two sides noted with satisfaction that China Russia practical cooperation in various fields has continued to advance and achieved positive results. The two sides are willing to continue to deepen cooperation in various fields in accordance with the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results, work closely together to overcome external challenges and adverse factors, improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation, and achieve stable and high-quality development of cooperation. To this end, both parties agree:

——In accordance with the Joint Statement of the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Russian Federation on the Development Plan of Key Directions of China Russia Economic Cooperation by 2030, we will vigorously promote cooperation in all fields to achieve high-quality development.

——Continue to expand the scale of bilateral trade, optimize the trade structure, deepen cooperation in the fields of service trade, e-commerce, digital economy and sustainable development, and jointly maintain the stability and security of the industrial chain supply chain.

——Welcome to the 8th China Russia Expo in Harbin, China, and support representatives from all walks of life of China and Russia to participate in important forums and exhibitions held in both countries.

——Constantly improve the level of investment cooperation between the two countries, jointly promote the implementation of major cooperation projects, protect the rights and interests of investors, and create fair and just conditions for investment. We will actively play the role of the coordination mechanism in the investment field between the two countries. Upgrade the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Promotion and Mutual Protection of Investment as soon as possible.

——Accelerate the formulation and approval of the new version of the Outline of China Russia Investment Cooperation Plan in 2024, fully promote the implementation of the Outline and improve the effectiveness of bilateral investment cooperation.

——We will continue to consolidate China Russia strategic energy cooperation and achieve high-level development to ensure the economic and energy security of both countries. Strive to ensure the stability and sustainability of the international energy market and maintain the stability and resilience of the global energy industry chain supply chain. Carry out cooperation in oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, coal, electricity and other fields according to market principles to ensure stable operation of relevant cross-border infrastructure and smooth energy transportation. We should jointly promote the implementation of large-scale energy projects by Chinese and Russian enterprises, and deepen cooperation in such promising fields as renewable energy, hydrogen energy and carbon markets.

——On the basis of the experience of projects that have been successfully implemented and are being implemented, deepen cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy, including thermonuclear fusion, fast neutron reactors, and nuclear fuel closed cycle, in accordance with the principles of mutual benefit and win-win results, and balance of interests, and explore a package approach to cooperation in the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle and joint construction of nuclear power plants.

——Increase the share of local currency in bilateral trade, financing and other economic activities. We will improve the financial infrastructure of the two countries and open the settlement channels for business entities between the two countries. We will strengthen cooperation in banking and insurance supervision between China and Russia, promote the steady development of banks and insurance institutions set up in each other's territory, encourage two-way investment, and issue bonds in the financial market of the other country on the premise of following the principle of marketization. Support further cooperation in the fields of insurance, reinsurance and improving payment convenience, and create good conditions for the growth of tourists from both sides. Actively promote mutually beneficial cooperation in practical areas on the basis of mutual recognition of accounting standards (in the field of bond issuance), audit standards and audit supervision between China and Russia.

——We will carry out China Russia financial intelligence cooperation, jointly prevent money laundering, terrorist financing and other risks, and continue to strengthen cooperation under the multilateral framework of anti money laundering.

——Improve the level of cooperation in industry and innovation, jointly develop advanced industries, and strengthen technical and production cooperation, including civil aviation manufacturing, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, electronics, metallurgy, iron ore mining, chemical industry, and forest industry. To create good conditions for both sides to implement projects in priority areas, expand trade exchanges of industrial products and increase their share in bilateral trade, and boost the process of industrial modernization between the two countries.

——To carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of information and communication technology, including artificial intelligence, communications, software, the Internet of Things, open source, network and data security, electronic games, radio frequency coordination, vocational education and professional scientific research.

——Consolidate the long-term partnership in the space field between the two sides, implement the major projects of the national space program in line with the common interests of China and Russia, promote cooperation in the field of lunar and deep space exploration, including the construction of the International Lunar Research Station, and strengthen cooperation in the application of the Beidou and GLONASS satellite navigation systems.

——Release the huge potential of agricultural cooperation, expand the mutual market access of agricultural products between the two countries, and improve the trade level of soybeans and their processed products, pork, aquatic products, cereals, oils, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and other agricultural and food products. Deepen agricultural investment cooperation, continue to study the establishment of Sino Russian agricultural cooperation pilot demonstration areas in the Russian Far East and other regions.

——We will deepen cooperation in transportation, logistics and ports, build stable, unimpeded and sustainable transportation and logistics corridors, and develop direct or transit transportation routes between the two countries. Simultaneously strengthen the infrastructure construction of border ports, strengthen the standardized management of ports, improve the inspection efficiency and customs clearance capacity of ports, and ensure the smooth two-way traffic of passenger transport and goods. Improve the customs clearance capacity and transportation capacity of China Europe regular trains passing through Russia, and jointly ensure the safety and efficiency of cargo transportation. Proceeding from the strategic significance of China Russia partnership, actively promote the development of air transport and encourage airlines of both sides to increase more routes and flights in a standardized way to cover more regions.

——We will strengthen cooperation in the customs field, focus on promoting "single window" exchange and cooperation in international trade, apply modern regulatory mechanisms and automated management processes, further promote trade exchanges, improve the transparency of import and export business, and effectively crack down on customs violations.

——We will strengthen experience exchange and practice sharing in the protection and application of intellectual property rights, and give full play to the important role of intellectual property rights in promoting scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development.

——We should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of competition policy, including cooperation in law enforcement and protection of competition rules in commodity markets (including digital commodity markets), so as to create favorable conditions for bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

——Further promote cooperation in industry, infrastructure, housing and urban development.

——Under the framework of the mechanism of the China Russia Regular Prime Ministers Meeting Committee, the China Russia Arctic Waterway Cooperation Sub Committee was established to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the development and utilization of the Arctic, protect the ecosystem of the Arctic region, promote the building of the Arctic Waterway into an important international transport corridor, and encourage enterprises of the two countries to strengthen cooperation in increasing the volume of Arctic Waterway traffic and building logistics infrastructure in the Arctic Waterway. Deepen cooperation in polar ship technology and construction.

——Actively support local cooperation and border cooperation, and expand comprehensive exchanges between the two countries. Under the framework of the preferential system in the Russian Far East, investment cooperation should be strengthened in accordance with the principles of marketization and commercialization, and cooperative production of industrial and high-tech industries should be carried out. Follow the principles of good neighborliness and friendship and respect for national sovereignty to jointly develop Heixiazi Island (Great Ussuri Island). Accelerate the negotiation of the text of the Intergovernmental Agreement between Chinese and Russian Ships Navigating in the Waters around Heixiazi Island (Talabarov Island and Bolishaoyusurisky Island). The two sides will hold constructive dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Chinese ships sailing through the lower reaches of the Tumen River.

——Deepen environmental protection cooperation, and strengthen cooperation in transboundary water protection, environmental pollution emergency liaison, biodiversity protection, solid waste treatment and other fields.

——Continue to work closely to improve the environmental quality of the border areas between the two countries.

——We will continue to strengthen cooperation, implement the Economic and Trade Cooperation Agreement between the People's Republic of China and the Eurasian Economic Union signed on May 17, 2018, promote the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the Eurasian Economic Union, and deepen all-round cooperation and connectivity in Asia and Europe.

——We will continue to implement the consensus of the two heads of state on jointly building the "Belt and Road" and the "Greater Eurasian Partnership" for parallel and coordinated development, so as to create conditions for the independent and steady economic and social development of Asian and European countries.

——Follow the Medium term Roadmap for the Development of China Russia Mongolia Tripartite Cooperation and the Outline of the Plan for the Construction of China Mongolia Russia Economic Corridor and other documents, and continue to carry out China Russia Mongolia tripartite cooperation.


The two sides believe that people to people and cultural exchanges are of great importance and far-reaching significance to enhance mutual understanding, carry forward the tradition of good neighborliness and friendship, continue the friendship between the two peoples from generation to generation, and consolidate the social foundation of bilateral relations. The two sides are willing to make joint efforts to actively expand people to people and cultural cooperation, improve the level of cooperation and expand the results of cooperation. To this end, both parties agree:

——We will continue to deepen educational cooperation and improve the legislative foundation. Promote two-way study abroad to expand the scale and improve the quality, promote Chinese teaching in Russia and Russian teaching in China, encourage educational institutions to expand exchanges, cooperate in running schools, carry out joint training of high-level talents and joint research, support cooperation in basic research among universities, support similar university alliances and middle school alliances to carry out activities, and deepen cooperation in vocational and digital education.

——Deepen scientific and technological exchanges. Give play to the potential of cooperation in basic research and applied research, expand cooperation under the framework of large scientific devices, support the joint construction of modern laboratories and advanced scientific research centers, safeguard the initiative of scientific and technological development of the two countries, promote personnel exchanges, and carry out interdisciplinary climate change research.

——Make full use of the opportunity of the China Russia Cultural Year 2024-2025 to carry out comprehensive exchanges in the fields of artistic performances, museums, libraries, cultural heritage protection, art education and creative industries. Broaden the cultural exchange areas and actively promote the participation of Chinese and Russian local youth and cultural workers. We will continue to hold cultural festivals, library forums and collections of Chinese and Russian cultures. Encourage the research and holding of new initiatives such as the "International Pop Song Competition". The two sides believe that the diversity and uniqueness of culture and civilization are the basis of a multipolar world. They will carry out exchanges, cooperation and mutual learning based on this, oppose the politicization of culture, oppose the discriminatory and exclusive "theory of civilization superiority", oppose some countries and ethnic groups to implement the "abolition of culture" and damage and dismantle memorial facilities and religious facilities, and promote more countries to identify with traditional moral concepts.

——Dialogue will be held on the protection, research, repair and utilization of historical religious facilities, martyr memorial facilities and historical and cultural heritage.

——Promote cooperation in the film field, including China's support for Russia's establishment of the Eurasian Film Academy and the "Eurasian Film Public Award", and will actively consider sending films to participate in relevant awards.

——We will continue to promote cooperation in disaster medicine, infectious disease, oncology, nuclear medicine, ophthalmology, pharmacology, maternal and child health and other health fields. The advanced experience in the field of modern medical technology should be used to promote the training of higher medical talents.

——We will carry out cooperation in the fields of infectious disease prevention and control, local and cross-border dissemination of health, expand cooperation in early warning and response to biological disasters, safeguard the national sovereignty of the two countries in the biological field, and attach great importance to cooperation in the border areas between China and Russia.

——We spoke highly of the achievements of the 2022-2023 China Russia Sports Exchange Year, continued to promote cooperation in sports in a pragmatic manner, and deepened exchanges in various projects. China speaks highly of the first "Future Games" held by Russia in Kashan in 2024, and supports Russia in hosting the BRICS Games. Both sides oppose the politicization of sports and any use of sports as a tool to discriminate against athletes on the grounds of nationality, language, religion, political or other beliefs, race and social origin. They call on the international community to carry out equal international sports cooperation in accordance with the Olympic spirit and principles.

——Expand cooperation in the field of tourism, create favorable conditions for increasing the number of mutual visits between Chinese and Russian tourists, promote the development of cross-border tourism, jointly implement the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on Mutual Exemption of Group Tourist Visa signed on February 29, 2000, and accelerate the negotiation of agreement revision.

——We will strengthen media exchanges between the two countries, promote exchanges of visits between people at all levels, support pragmatic and professional dialogue, actively carry out high-quality content cooperation, tap the potential of new media and new technologies in the field of mass media cooperation, objectively and comprehensively report major global events, and disseminate real information in the international public opinion arena. Continue to promote the exchange and cooperation of knowledge and experience between book translation and publishing institutions of the two countries, and promote the mutual broadcasting of TV programs.

——Support archives departments to carry out cooperation, including exchange of advanced work experience and archives information, joint preparation of archives publications, and implementation of exhibition projects on the history of China and Russia and the history of bilateral relations.

——Support the work of the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission, encourage cooperation through friendship associations and other channels of non-governmental friendly groups, promote people to people exchanges and mutual understanding between China and Russia, and strengthen exchanges between expert think tanks of the two countries.

——We should strengthen cooperation in the field of youth, carry out education on ideals, beliefs, correct values and patriotism, and support youth to innovate, start businesses, volunteer services, and enhance creativity. In order to consolidate and enrich the achievements of the World Youth Festival and the World Youth Development Forum, continue to deepen youth exchanges at all levels, carry out cooperation on multilateral youth platforms, and promote common international cooperation ideas.


The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to building a more just and stable multipolar international pattern, unconditionally and comprehensively respecting and abiding by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and maintaining genuine multilateralism. The two sides stressed that the work of the "Group of Friends defending the Charter of the United Nations" should be further strengthened.

The two sides are willing to deepen bilateral cooperation under the framework of the United Nations, including the General Assembly and the Security Council, and should strengthen cooperation in the discussion of important international issues within United Nations agencies.

The two sides are willing to continue to work together to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation in the field of multilateral human rights, advocate the common values of all mankind, oppose the politicization of human rights, double standards and the use of human rights issues to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and jointly promote the healthy development of all aspects of the international human rights agenda.

In order to improve human health, the two sides continue to work closely on global health issues, including supporting the role of the World Health Organization and opposing the politicization of its work.

The two sides firmly promote an open, transparent, inclusive and non discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation under the WTO framework, promote WTO reform, including the restoration of the normal operation of the dispute settlement mechanism, and promote the implementation of the outcomes of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference. The two sides oppose the politicization of international economic relations, including the work of multilateral organizations in the fields of trade, finance, energy and transportation, which will lead to fragmentation of global trade, protectionism and vicious competition.

The two sides condemned unilateral actions that bypassed the UN Security Council, violated the UN Charter and other international laws, destroyed justice and conscience, and unilateral measures that violated WTO rules. Restrictive measures that violate WTO rules hinder the development of free trade and have a negative impact on the global industrial chain supply chain. China and Russia are firmly opposed to this.

In addition, the two sides stressed their willingness to strengthen cooperation on multilateral platforms in professional fields, promote common positions and oppose politicizing the work of international organizations.


The two sides believe that cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an important direction to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries. The two sides will continue to work together to build the SCO into an authoritative and influential multilateral organization, so that it can play a greater role in building a new, just and stable multipolar international pattern.

The two sides will work with other SCO member states to improve the organization's work, tap the potential for cooperation in the political, security, economic and people to people and cultural fields, and make the Eurasian region a common home of peace, stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity.

China fully supports Russia's work as the BRICS presidency in 2024, and successfully holds the 16th BRICS Summit.

The two sides are willing to work with other members of the BRICS countries to implement the consensus of previous BRICS leaders' meetings, promote the integration of new members into the existing BRICS cooperation mechanism, and explore the cooperation model of BRICS partner countries. The two sides continue to uphold the BRICS spirit, enhance the voice of the BRICS mechanism in international affairs and international agenda setting, and actively carry out "BRICS+" cooperation and BRICS peripheral dialogue.

The two sides will promote the improvement of BRICS cooperation in the international arena, including strengthening cooperation in trade, digital economy and public health among BRICS countries, and effectively promote the dialogue between BRICS countries on the use of local currency settlement, payment tools and platforms for trade business.

The two sides believe that UNESCO should further strengthen its role as a universal platform for intergovernmental people to people and cultural exchanges, promote professional dialogue on the platform of mutual respect, promote efficient communication among member countries, reach consensus and enhance solidarity.

The two sides spoke highly of the constructive cooperation between China and Russia in the G20, and reaffirmed their willingness to continue to strengthen cooperation under this mechanism, promote the building of inclusive economic globalization, take balanced and consensual actions to address outstanding economic and financial challenges, promote the development of the global governance system in a more just direction, and enhance the "Global South" Representation of countries in the global economic governance system. The two sides welcomed the African Union as a full member of the G20, and were willing to make constructive efforts for the interests of emerging markets and developing countries.

The two sides will continue to carry out close and mutually beneficial cooperation under the framework of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, promote the comprehensive and balanced implementation of the Putrajaya vision, and promote the construction of the Asia Pacific community. To this end, the two sides are willing to further promote the common principled position, promote the construction of an open world economy, promote the process of economic integration in the Asia Pacific region, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, ensure the stability and smoothness of the cross-border industrial chain supply chain, promote the digital green transformation and sustainable development of the Asia Pacific region, and benefit the people of the region.

Russia speaks highly of the Global Development Initiative and will continue to participate in the work of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative. The two sides will continue to promote the international community to focus on development issues, increase investment in development, deepen practical cooperation, and accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The two sides noted that, at present, regional and global conflicts continue, the international security environment is unstable, and the intensified confrontation between countries, including nuclear weapon States, has led to increasing strategic risks. Both sides expressed concern about the international security situation.

The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear Weapon States on the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Avoidance of an Arms Race issued on January 3, 2022, in particular the idea that nuclear war cannot be won or fought, and reiterated their appeal to all participating countries in the Joint Statement to earnestly follow the statement.

The two sides believe that all nuclear weapon states should uphold the principle of maintaining global strategic stability, security equality and indivisibility, and should not infringe on each other's vital interests by expanding military alliances and alliances, establishing military bases in areas close to the borders of other nuclear weapon states, especially by pre deploying nuclear weapons and their means of delivery and other military strategic facilities. Comprehensive measures must be taken to prevent direct military confrontation between nuclear weapon States, with the focus on eliminating root contradictions in the security field.

China and Russia support the success of the NPT review process, and oppose attempts to use the NPT and its review process for political purposes unrelated to the content of the Treaty.

The two sides reiterated their serious concern over the US's attempt to undermine strategic stability in order to maintain its absolute military advantage, which mainly includes the US building a global anti missile system and deploying anti missile systems around the world and in space, strengthening the capability of high-precision non nuclear weapons to disarm each other's military operations and "beheading" strike capabilities, and strengthening NATO's "nuclear sharing" in Europe Arrange and provide "extended deterrence" to individual allies, build infrastructure in Australia, a party to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, which may be used to guarantee the implementation of actions by the United States and the United Kingdom, carry out cooperation with the United States, Britain and Australia in nuclear submarines, and implement plans to deploy and provide their allies with land-based medium and short range missiles in the Asia Pacific and Europe regions.

The United States, under the pretext of conducting joint exercises with its allies that are clearly aimed at China and Russia, has begun to take action to deploy land-based missile systems in the Asia Pacific region. Both sides expressed serious concern about this. The US side also claimed that it would continue to promote the above practices and finally realize its intention to deploy missiles regularly around the world. The two sides expressed their strongest condemnation of the above-mentioned measures that extremely undermine regional stability and pose a direct security threat to China and Russia, and will strengthen coordination and cooperation to deal with the so-called "dual containment" policy of the United States against China and Russia, which is non constructive and hostile.

The two sides reaffirmed that the Biological Weapons Convention should be fully respected and continuously strengthened, institutionalized, and a legally binding protocol containing an effective verification mechanism should be reached. Both sides demanded that the United States should not engage in any biological military activities inside or outside its territory that threaten the security of other countries and relevant regions.

The two sides oppose attempts by individual countries to use outer space for armed confrontation, and oppose security policies and activities aimed at obtaining military advantages and defining and using outer space for "combat territory". The two sides advocate that on the basis of the draft Sino Russian Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects, negotiations on a legally binding multilateral instrument should be launched as soon as possible to provide fundamental and reliable guarantees for the prevention of an arms race in outer space, the weaponization of outer space, and the prevention of the use or threat of use of force against outer space objects or by means of outer space objects. In order to maintain world peace, ensure the security of all countries is equal and indivisible, and improve the predictability and sustainability of the exploration and peaceful use of outer space by all countries, both sides agree to promote the international initiative/political commitment of not first deploying weapons in outer space on a global scale.

The two sides are committed to the goal of a world free of chemical weapons and are deeply concerned about the politicization of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The two sides pointed out that the Chemical Weapons Convention, as an important mechanism in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation, should be fully respected. Both sides urged Japan to fully, completely and accurately implement the Destruction Plan of Japan's Abandoned Chemical Weapons in the People's Republic of China after 2022, and to destroy abandoned chemical weapons in China as soon as possible.

The two sides will continue to coordinate their actions on the issue of chemical weapons disarmament and non-proliferation, work to restore the authority of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and promote its work to return to the non politicized technical track.

The two sides reaffirmed their compliance with the export control obligations under the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention, and opposed replacing the original intention of non-proliferation with hypocritical political purposes, politicizing and weaponizing non-proliferation export controls, serving China's short-sighted interests and implementing illegal unilateral restrictions.

The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the full and effective implementation of the General Assembly resolution on "Promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of international security".

The two sides are willing to deepen cooperation in combating international terrorism and extremism, and adopt a "zero tolerance" attitude towards the "three forces", including the "East Iraq Movement"; At the same time, we are willing to further strengthen cooperation in combating transnational organized crime, corruption, illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, and jointly address other new challenges and threats.

Both sides attach great importance to AI and are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on the development, security and governance of AI. Russia welcomes China's Global AI Governance Initiative, and China welcomes Russia's proposal of governance guidelines in the field of AI. The two sides agreed to establish and make good use of a regular consultation mechanism to strengthen cooperation in AI and open source technology, coordinate their positions when considering AI regulatory issues on the international platform, and support each other's AI related international conferences.

The two sides reaffirmed their consistent position on maintaining security issues in the field of information and communication technology, and agreed to cooperate to deal with various network security risks, including those related to artificial intelligence. The two sides encourage the world to jointly promote the healthy development of AI, share AI dividends, strengthen international cooperation in AI capacity building, properly address AI military applications, and support AI exchange and cooperation in the United Nations, the International Telecommunication Union, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the International Organization for Standardization and other mechanisms and platforms. Oppose the use of technology monopoly and unilateral coercive measures to maliciously obstruct the development of AI in other countries and block the global AI supply chain.

The two sides affirmed the leading role of the United Nations in formulating common rules in the field of international information security, and supported the United Nations Open ended Working Group on Information Security 2021-2025 as an irreplaceable global negotiating platform in this field and to carry out regular work. The two sides pointed out that new and responsible national codes of conduct in information space should be formulated, especially the development of universal legal instruments, which can lay the foundation for the establishment of an international legal mediation mechanism in information space aimed at preventing conflicts between countries, and is conducive to building a peaceful, open, secure, stable, interoperable and accessible information and communication technology environment. The two sides believe that the United Nations General Assembly resolution 74/247 should be implemented, and the development of a comprehensive international convention against the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes should be completed within the framework of the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee.

The two sides support the creation of a multilateral, democratic and transparent global Internet governance system on the premise of ensuring the security and stability of the network systems of all countries.

The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS countries and other multilateral mechanisms. The competent authorities of both sides are willing to deepen bilateral cooperation in the field of international information security under the framework of existing legal treaties.


The two sides took measures to address climate change and reaffirmed their commitment to the objectives, principles and institutional framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, especially the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. The two sides stressed that the financial support provided by developed countries to developing countries is crucial for slowing down the growth of global average temperature and adapting to the negative impact of global climate change. The two sides oppose the establishment of trade barriers and the linkage of climate issues with threats to international peace and security on the grounds of addressing climate change.

The two sides appreciated the "Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework" adopted at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity hosted by China, and were willing to promote the harmonious development of man and nature and contribute to global sustainable development.

Both sides are determined to strengthen the control of plastic waste pollution on the basis of respecting the national conditions and sovereignty of all countries, and work with all parties to develop a legally binding instrument to deal with environmental pollution caused by plastic waste (including marine pollution).

The two sides expressed serious concern about Japan's discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and requested Japan to safely dispose of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water in a responsible manner, accept strict international monitoring, and respect the requirements of relevant countries for independent monitoring.


The Russian side spoke positively of China's objective and fair position on the Ukrainian issue and agreed that the crisis must be resolved on the basis of full and complete compliance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Russia welcomes China's willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis through political and diplomatic means.

Both sides pointed out that it is necessary to stop all actions that promote the delay of war and the further escalation of conflict, and called for avoiding the crisis from getting out of control. The two sides stressed that dialogue is a good way to solve the crisis in Ukraine.

The two sides believe that in order to resolve the Ukrainian crisis steadily, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the crisis, adhere to the principle of indivisibility of security, and take into account the legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries.


Both sides believe that people of all countries share a common destiny and that no country should seek its own security at the expense of the security of other countries. The two sides expressed concern about the realistic challenges to international and regional security and pointed out that in the current geopolitical context, it is necessary to explore the establishment of a sustainable security system in Eurasian space based on the principle of security equality and indivisibility.

The two sides called on relevant countries and organizations to stop adopting confrontational policies and interfering in other countries' internal affairs, undermine the existing security architecture, build "small courtyards and high walls" between countries, provoke regional tensions and advocate camp confrontation.

The two sides are opposed to putting together a closed and exclusive group structure in Asia and the Pacific, especially a military alliance against any third party. The two sides pointed out that the US "Indo Pacific Strategy" and NATO's destructive moves in the Asia Pacific region have a negative impact on peace and stability in the region.

The two sides expressed serious concern about the consequences of the US UK Australia trilateral security partnership (AUKUS) on strategic stability in the Asia Pacific region.

The two sides will strengthen coordination on deepening cooperation with ASEAN, continue to work together to consolidate ASEAN's central position in the multilateral framework of the Asia Pacific region, and improve the effectiveness of ASEAN leading mechanisms such as the East Asia Summit and the ASEAN Regional Forum.

Russia supports China and ASEAN countries to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. The two sides believe that the South China Sea issue should be resolved through negotiation and consultation by the countries directly concerned, and firmly oppose the involvement of extraterritorial forces in the South China Sea issue. Russia supports the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea by China and ASEAN countries, and welcomes the early conclusion of the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea".

The two sides oppose the hegemonic action of the United States to change the balance of power in Northeast Asia by expanding military power and patching up military blocs. The United States adheres to the Cold War mentality and camp confrontation model, and puts the security of "small groups" above regional security and stability, endangering the security of all countries in the region. The United States should stop such acts.

The two sides oppose the deterrence of the United States and its allies in the military field, provoke confrontation with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the possible armed conflict that may lead to increased tension on the Korean Peninsula. The two sides urged the United States to take effective measures to ease military tensions and create favorable conditions, abandon intimidation, sanctions and repression, and promote the resumption of negotiations between the DPRK and other countries concerned on the principle of mutual respect and consideration of each other's security concerns. Both sides reaffirmed that political and diplomatic means are the only way to solve all the problems on the peninsula, and called on the international community to support the constructive joint initiative of China and Russia.

Both sides stand for maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East and oppose interference in the internal affairs of countries in the region. The two sides support a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question on the basis of recognized international law, with the "two State solution" as the key element, and look forward to the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side in peace and security with Israel.

The two sides support the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and Libya, and promote the political settlement process led and owned by the people of these two countries.

The two sides will actively cooperate to consolidate security in the Gulf region and promote regional countries to enhance mutual trust and achieve sustainable development.

The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation on Afghan affairs at the bilateral level and under multilateral mechanisms, promote Afghanistan to become an independent, neutral, unified and peaceful country, free from terrorism and drugs, and live in harmony with all its neighbors. The two sides attach great importance to and support the positive and constructive role played by regional platforms such as the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of Afghanistan's Neighbouring Countries, the "Moscow Model" consultation on Afghanistan, the China Russia Pakistan Iran four country mechanism, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the political settlement of the Afghan issue.

The two sides stressed that the United States and NATO, as the responsible parties for the 20-year invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, should not attempt to deploy military facilities to Afghanistan and its surrounding areas again, but should take the main responsibility for the current economic and livelihood difficulties in Afghanistan, bear the main expenses for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, and take all necessary measures to lift the freeze on Afghan national assets.

The two sides believe that the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Commonwealth of Independent States play an important role in maintaining regional stability and combating international terrorism, illicit drug production and trafficking, organized crime and other cross-border threats and challenges. The two sides stressed that China and the CSTO have potential for cooperation in maintaining peace and security in the Eurasian region and jointly addressing external challenges.

In order to develop friendly, stable and prosperous relations with neighboring countries, the two sides will continue to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in Central Asia and strengthen cooperation within international organizations and multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and the United Nations.

Both sides agreed that peace, stability and genuine independence of African countries are the basis for the development and prosperity of the African continent. The two sides called for maintaining a healthy atmosphere of international cooperation with Africa. To this end, the two sides will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation on African affairs and make contributions to supporting African countries to solve African problems in an African way.

The two sides will continue to strengthen strategic cooperation on Latin American and Caribbean affairs. The two sides hope to strengthen cooperation in various fields with relevant countries and mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean, including but not limited to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), the Pacific Alliance (AP), the Andean Community (CAN), the Bolivarian Union of the Americas (ALBA), the Central American Integration System (SICA), and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) And other regional organizations, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations, the G20 and BRICS countries.

The two sides maintain that the Arctic should continue to be a place of peace, stability, constructive dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation, and should not cause military and political tensions in the region.

President of the People's Republic of China President of the Russian Federation

Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin

Beijing, May 16, 2014

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