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Notice on Carrying out Continuing Education and Supplementary Training for Statistics Professionals and Technicians in 2020-2023

Release time: 11:08, April 26, 2024
Source: Education Center
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Local, prefectural and municipal statistical bureaus and bureaus Each department And directly affiliated institutions, all relevant units:

According to the Regulations of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Continuing Education of Professional and Technical Personnel and the Regulations on Continuing Education of Professional and Technical Personnel (Order No No. 25)《 Circular of The Ministry of Education of The People's Republic of China on Doing Well The Work of Continuing Education and Supplementary Education for Professional And Technical Personnel in The Autonomous Region 》Requirements, approved by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Autonomous Region In the near future, continuing education will be carried out for statistical professionals in the autonomous region Supplementary education train two hundred and two 0-2023 year , the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Trainees

Whole region uncommitted Statistics of continuing education and training in 2020-2023 Professional technicians.

2、 Training contents and methods

(1) Public required subject: no less than 30 class hours, log on to Xinjiang professional and technical personnel continuing education network( )Register online to complete online learning and examinations.

(2) Major subjects: 6 in total two Class hours, training contents include statistical laws and regulations, statistical business knowledge, etc., log in "Network training platform of the National Bureau of Statistics" (Pinnet) Register online to complete online learning and examinations.

three Registration process

Online registration is adopted, and the management platform for Xinjiang professional technicians is logged in using Firefox or Sohu( )Register. Online registration process: log in to the Xinjiang professional and technical personnel management platform and select "individual registration" to register (please log in directly for existing accounts); After successful registration, log in to the management platform, "My Home" → "Continuing Education" → "Continuing Education" Professional subjects sign up ”→ "I want to register" → "Statistics" → "Statistics major", and then select the job level reported by the individual; Select Training base It is the continuing education base for professional and technical personnel at the autonomous region level of the Statistical Education Center of the Autonomous Region Statistics Bureau Fill in the complete registration information and upload the corresponding attachment (one inch electronic photo, and the student name and mobile phone number must be filled in the postscript column); Submit after checking.

four Registration time and training time

Registration time: May 1 to five month twenty Day.

Training time: June five Solstice six month thirty day

five matters needing attention

The supplementary training is also open Supplementary education channel from 2020 to 2023 , The applicants for supplementary training can choose no more than 3 years of supplementary education Those who have completed the supplementary study and passed the examination Issue for further education Supplementary education Electronic certificate The statistical professional technicians who participate in the professional title review this year should pay close attention to the application time of the series (specialties) of professional titles to be reviewed, reasonably plan the supplementary education for continuing education, and ensure that they complete all courses of the year and pass the exam before the application of professional titles.

notes : Please join during enrollment Continuing education and training of statistical professionals in autonomous regions QQ group so that timely meet Receive training and examination Notice, QQ group number: 610756668。

Contact : He Yanming, 15095381192.

Autonomous Region Bureau of Statistics Office

two hundred and two four year four month twenty-four day

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