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Tianshan Cedar Roots to Roots People of All Nationalities Hearts to Hearts

Published on: June 7, 2024 17:59
Source: Xinjiang Statistical Society
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—— Secretariat of Xinjiang Statistical Society Party branch Organize the development of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community special study workshop

In order to thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving ethnic work, Guiding Party members and cadres In keeping with the new journey of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we have taken the lead in building a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation, On May 29, 2024, the Secretariat of Xinjiang Statistical Society Organized by the Party branch Centralized learning and Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation special study Workshop. Meeting by Ma Xudong Comrade, Secretariat of Xinjiang Statistical Society Party branch whole Party members and cadres participate in Autonomous Region Statistics Comrade Lu Lu from the Party Committee of the Bureau attended the meeting Audience guidance

All Party members should work together first I learned that General Secretary Xi Jinping Published in Qiushi magazine《 Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation Promote the high-quality development of the Party's national work in the new era 》Signed articles and General Secretary Xi Jinping The important directive spirit of the recent investigation in Shandong, including the seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the second part of the CPC Disciplinary Regulations. Then Guo Tai, Peng Jun and Wen Jinghong studied and educated the Party discipline, Connect with the actual work and focus on Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation Promote the high-quality development of the Party's national work in the new era Communicated Statements. Every comrade who speaks can fully Recognizing the overall importance of the Party's national work in the new era Analyzed and reviewed the work and casting Relevant requirements for strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national community Gap and deficiency between , proposed Has practiced itself Specific measures to implement the Party's ethnic policy.

Lu Lu, who attended the meeting on behalf of the Party Committee of the Bureau To learn activity Fully affirmed, indicating the study workshop Fully prepared, with distinct theme, achieving the expected effect, and Also on behalf of the leaders of the Party Committee of the Bureau Three suggestions are put forward. First, further rich study form Mobilize the enthusiasm of Party members and cadres to study and ensure that Party members and cadres Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation special study Middle school students have thought, learned, and learned, Effectively promote Party discipline study Education is vivid and vivid, and enters the brain and heart Second, make good use of People should learn by themselves, give full play to the subjective initiative of Party members and cadres, Adhere to the combination of timing and quantification and flexible arrangement, focus on Party discipline Key points of education and learning According to the actual work, complete the learning objectives according to the time sequence three yes In combination with their functions and responsibilities, we should actively play the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress and the exemplary vanguard role of Party members, and focus on national unity. Everyone said , to not to move or retreat land Implement the Party's ethnic policy Based on their own positions, start from themselves, and integrate the awareness of building a solid Chinese national community into all work go We will conscientiously strengthen our political, ideological, and action consciousness to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era.

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