How should children of different ages do physical fitness exercises for children?

2022-06-20 13:50:34   Source: China Franchise Network   410 people participated
  • Scope of business: Children's Sports Hall
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How should children of different ages do physical fitness exercises for children? With the change of the social environment, many parents send their children to the children's fitness training center to exercise their physical quality. The scientific way of sports is to give better care to children. Children's fitness can carry out sports at different ages for different children, Next, let's talk about how children of different ages should do physical fitness exercises for children!

Children of different ages should follow scientific principles to choose appropriate sports to promote their physical development. Preschool age is a critical period for the cultivation of children's basic motor skills, as well as an enlightenment period for lifelong sports. For example, children can get physical and sensory experience through sports, get communication and communication with peers, understand better social ways, and pure fun of life. The children themselves have different sports needs at different ages.

Before the age of 3: training period of sports thinking

Before the age of 3, it is a critical period to cultivate children's sports thinking. The rapid development of children's brain is concentrated in 0-3 years old. At this stage, children's thinking is completely dependent on perception and action. When the child is a little older and about 24 months old, some sports games can be arranged.

Pay more attention to children's interest in sports and the formation of basic movement patterns, train children's coordination ability of body movements early, let children get used to sports, like sports, and sports thinking will gradually integrate into children's thinking system.

3-6 years old: the period of enlightenment

After the age of 3, the children's basic thinking mode has been formed, and they have a higher ability to accept and imitate. We can start to develop children's sports with an appropriate emphasis on gross movements. Parents can take their children to practice basic sports skills such as walking, running, jumping and throwing in games. Of course, you can also take your children to professional training places to experience multi-dimensional sports enlightenment training.

When the physical function is basically perfect, then enter into special sports. When the physical function of children's various movements is basically perfect, they can develop their love for certain sports, such as table tennis, badminton, fencing, skating and other special sports, according to their personality and physical characteristics.

Science sports can give better care to children. Children's sports play an important role in children's sports. However, it is believed that many parents do not know what age is suitable for sports. The right age and proper sports are not only the basis for children to build a good body, but more importantly, they can guide their enthusiasm and interest in sports.

Children of different ages should follow scientific principles to choose appropriate sports to promote their physical development. Preschool age is a critical period for the cultivation of children's basic motor skills, as well as an enlightenment period for lifelong sports.

For example, children can get physical and sensory experience through sports, get communication and communication with peers, understand better social ways, and pure fun of life. The children themselves have different sports needs at different ages.

Sports training for children aged 0~6 can do this

Proper physical activity is one of the four health cornerstones proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Physical activity refers to the physical activity caused by any skeletal muscle contraction that is higher than the energy consumption of the basic metabolic level. Exercise is a specific type of physical activity. Physical activity can be divided into low, medium and high intensity according to intensity.

Ebekou Children's Fitness was founded in 2018, focusing on physical exercise classes for children aged 2 to 12. Through continuous practice and exploration, research and development, it is found that children's physical ability cannot be separated from the cultivation of physical quality and spiritual level. In order to practice children's quality education, we set goals around the three aspects of "physical and emotional cognition", and put forward the "5e" cool future plan - (inspiration/enlightenment - attraction/participation - enrichment/expansion - encouragement/making full of enthusiasm - enjoyment/appreciation), forming Ebekou's unique teaching philosophy.

To sum up, I have arranged for you how children of different ages should carry out children's physical fitness exercises. Children's physical fitness training has scientific basis, and can improve children's some bad phenomenon according to different training methods. The above is my reply, thank you for your reading!

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