What is the significance of physical fitness training for children? Most parents will ignore this kind of education for children - children's physical fitness education

2022-09-01 14:35:07   Source: China Franchise Network   309 people participated
  • Scope of business: Children's Sports Hall
  • Number of stores: 42
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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What is the significance of physical fitness training for children? along with China The continuous improvement of the economic level and the high quality of life have also brought a certain load to the children's body. The children's growth is no longer a simple study other Side problems are also slowly happening. Many families have common health problems, and the physical condition of children has become a concern of every parent. Let's talk about the significance of children's physical fitness exercise for parents!

The current traditional education mode tends to lead to high learning pressure and heavy psychological burden for children. Long term sit down learning tends to lead to different problems of cervical vertebra and spine. In addition, the long-term irregular life caused by high-pressure learning tends to lead to imbalance of physical state, which is easy to lead to various chronic diseases disease The result is that the children's physical quality is declining, their attention in class cannot be very focused, and the direct impact of poor physique is that they are prone to drowsiness and fatigue, thus affecting their academic performance.

The rise of children's physical fitness training institutions is mainly to help children improve their physical quality, cultivate their social ability, social adaptability, and develop the awareness of self-management and self responsibility, so as to improve their health management ability.

The main content of children's physical fitness training is based on the children's different ages and physical characteristics. Children aged 3-5 years old are mainly guided by games, and gradually improve their physical skills through step-by-step training, such as trampoline training, balance hemisphere training, ice cream bucket training, etc; Children aged 6-11 mainly train their physical condition, physical development and posture correction, cultivate their sports habits, promote their bone development and increase their height; Children aged 11-17 mainly cultivate teamwork ability.

Physical fitness sports education for children is to fundamentally develop children's attention, concentration and memory. Now it has gradually become a compulsory course for children.

Physical fitness exercise for children adopt A series of special content training courses can promote the muscle development of children. The physical fitness course can not only bring the amount of exercise, but also drive the muscle movement of the whole body, so that the muscles become stronger due to exercise; Promote the development of bones. The design of physical fitness courses will stimulate the reaction of periosteum, make the development of bones more vigorous, and avoid osteoporosis and other problems; Promote the development of organs. The training content of physical fitness course can mobilize the main organs of the whole body, promote blood circulation, make metabolism more vigorous, and promote organ function more quickly.

The curriculum system of physical fitness sports for children can also develop the brain and accelerate the development of intelligence. Activate the tissues and nervous system of the whole body and promote the development of the nervous system; To improve children's emotional intelligence, physical fitness courses include not only private teaching courses but also team courses. In group courses, children can cooperate with each other, supervise each other, and cultivate communication skills; adopt major The training of physical fitness courses can constantly stimulate the children's nerves and stimulate the activity of the brain, thus making the brain more developed.

Children's physical fitness exercise can also improve children's overall health level. Correct children's posture, adopt major Children's physical fitness training can help children to correct their high and low shoulder, hunchback and other disabilities; Physical fitness courses can help children develop the habit of healthy sports and become a lifelong interest in sports; It is very important that adopt major The training of physical fitness courses can improve the health level of children and help them to live and study more calmly.

Ebekou Children's Fitness was founded in 2018, focusing on physical exercise classes for children aged 2 to 12. Through continuous practice and exploration, research and development, it is found that children's physical ability cannot be separated from the cultivation of physical quality and spiritual level. In order to practice children's quality education, we set goals around the three aspects of "physical and emotional cognition", and put forward the "5e" cool future plan - enlighten.engage.enrich.energize.joy (inspiration/enlightenment - attraction/participation - enrichment/expansion - encouragement/making full of enthusiasm - enjoyment/appreciation), forming Ebekou's unique teaching philosophy.

To sum up, what is the significance of children's physical fitness training organized by Xiao Bian for everyone? Most parents will ignore this kind of education for their children - children's physical fitness education, and recommend a training institution suitable for children's physical fitness. Here, the editor reminds families to pay attention to keeping their eyes open when choosing children's physical fitness courses. The above is the answer of the editor. Thank you for your reading!

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