Where is Jingsi's brand and how to join now

2022-09-29 14:43:57   Source: Global franchise network   748 people participated
  • Business Scope: Baking
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Bakery products, sweet and delicious, are favored by food lovers, especially female friends. The huge market demand has laid a good foundation for the development of each main store. Jingsi is a popular baking brand and enjoys good reputation in the industry. So, where is Jingsi? How to join now?

 Joined by Jingsi

Where is Jingsi

Originating from Shanghai, this brand is a little well-known baking brand in the local area. After years of development, it has not only established its foothold in Shanghai, but also expanded the scale of franchise stores to major cities and regions across the country, achieving a wide range of brand coverage. For example, many provincial capitals and municipalities directly under the Central Government can see the presence of stores.

How to join Jingsi now

Entrepreneurs who want to join in need to first understand the joining process formulated by the company, and carry out the joining work step by step, which will bring about twice the result with half the effort. It is mainly divided into the following steps: project contact, business circle inspection and evaluation, store signing, store output, opening training, and later follow-up.


Introduction to Joining Jingsi

The enterprise has launched a diversified food series for each major store. There are hand-made baked desserts, fresh and fashionable tea drinks, and healthy light food series, which not only conform to the development trend of the market, but also greatly meet the taste buds needs of different consumers, creating a strong market competitiveness for franchise stores. At the same time, the R&D team of the headquarters can bring a steady stream of new products to the franchise stores. The powerful R&D personnel, according to the current market trends and new dietary concepts, have launched an endless stream of new baking products for the stores, bringing consumers a distinctive new sense of freshness, and creating a business scene of franchise stores with no off-season throughout the year, This is also the key factor for the brand to attract the attention of many entrepreneurs.

Where is Jingsi? How to join now? Before making a decision to join, entrepreneurs who intend to join still need to know more comprehensive brand information. A more intuitive way is to go to the headquarters for investigation. The above introduction can provide some reference for everyone.

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