Jiuji: How about the dessert serving speed? How about the operation

2022-05-22 12:00:00   Source: Global franchise network   793 people participated
  • Business Scope: Desserts
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Dessert is a favorite snack for many people. Dessert can have a variety of tastes and rich nutrition, which is favored by the broad public. There are many chain dessert stores on the market, which are also a highly effective industry and can also have a high sales volume. Jiuji Dessert is a famous brand with high market influence. If you want to join in and open a store, how fast does Jiuji Dessert serve and operate?

How about the speed of dessert delivery

Jiuji desserts are mainly Cantonese style sugared water. There will also be desserts, fried chicken, cakes and other series in the store. The food in the store is exquisite, and the color, smell and taste of the food match, which can also have a high sales volume. The headquarters of the company also launched a variety of desserts. The food operation is simple and the process is standardized. If the company joins the store, the headquarters will also provide store opening guidance and technical training services, so that the franchisee can quickly start and master the production skills. If you join in, the products will appear quickly, and you can eat in just a few minutes, which will save customers' time and increase the turnover rate in the store. If the franchise stores are opened, the company headquarters will also provide healthy and nutritious food supplies, so that the franchisees can get started smoothly under the guidance of the company.

How does Jiuji Dessert operate

The business of Jiuji desserts is prosperous and stable, and the business continues throughout the year. The headquarters of the company has also constantly introduced new products to improve the competitiveness of the market. If you join the store, the company headquarters will also cooperate with the take away platform, which can provide online sales forms, and combine with offline sales, which can bring higher sales. After joining, the company headquarters will also provide guidance on the market operation of the store, and can have professionals stationed in the store to carry out planning services for opening.

Above, we have introduced how fast Jiuji Dessert serves and how it operates. Jiuji Dessert has strong brand strength. The company headquarters also has many chain stores. The market reputation is good. If you join in, the company will also provide a strong brand effect. It can also help entrepreneurs to open stores easily and quickly occupy the market.

more > Global good business opportunities
  • eight hundred and thirty people Focus on desserts
  • ten thousand and ninety-eight people Consultation dessert

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