Personal tailor? After the World Cup, G9 molecular ice cream has played a new game

2018-08-09 13:01:37   Source: China Franchise Network   4568 people participated
  • Business scope: ice cream, drinks, desserts
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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During the World Cup, G9 molecular ice cream recently launched a "private customization" service, appearing in the Nanjing Mercedes Benz 4S store, helping Nanjing "Star of Profit Mercedes Benz" new product launch event, attracting many car owners to stop and take photos!

A car owner told the reporter that this novel production method is really eye-catching. The rising fog creates a romantic and dreamy atmosphere, which is very suitable for some real estate opening, new store celebration, birthday parties, company celebrations and other activities. He also said that if there is a friend's wedding in the future, he must recommend the private customized service of G9 molecular ice cream, which is romantic all his life, Need a romantic dream wedding as an eternal memory, you deserve it!

G9 molecular ice cream franchise:
label: Ranking of domestic ice cream stores How to join liquid nitrogen ice cream Ice cream franchise store Fried ice cream franchise
more > Global good business opportunities
  • one thousand and ninety-one people Focus on desserts
  • six thousand one hundred and thirty-seven people Consultation dessert

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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