Joining Snow Hyatt Salsa Ice Cream, a good location allows you to grasp a good start

2018-07-31 16:31:30   Source: China Franchise Network   4725 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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Ice cream stores are piling up to open stores, and the season of launching new products is coming again!

With the increase of ice cream franchise stores, the question also comes: Why do customers choose your ice cream store? In fact, a good site selection has already won half.

Seen from the site selection experience of Xueyuesha, it is better to rent stores in high priced business districts than to select locations in inconvenient areas, because even if there are famous stores again, few people will experience them again and again from afar.

The rent varies greatly depending on the location. The extra rent you pay is likely to save your customers travel fees and time costs. You are thinking about customers, who only care if they can spend less money to meet their requirements.

The site selection depends on experience for two points and luck for eight points. However, there are some rules to be found:

1. If the funds are sufficient, the budget of the smart choice is high, and you can bear hardships and want to build an online celebrity brand, then the site can be located in the local central business district, urban pedestrian street and other locations; There are plenty of tourists there. After all, the flow of people is the basis of customers and the key to turnover;

2. If the investment budget is high and the consumer group is targeted at young people, if you want to sell, you can find it in the local university district and university town;

3. If you just want to sell, and the investment budget is low, you can open it around the local primary and secondary schools or in the canteen of colleges and universities; If the budget is OK, but you want to save time, you can find a comprehensive catering plaza;

In addition, the so-called beauty is justice, which is not empty talk. In consumer psychology, female consumers of whatever age group first think of beauty rather than practicality when consuming. Therefore, the space decoration is also the product of the franchise store.

After the site selection is completed, the decoration of the ice cream shop should highlight its theme and correctly grasp the harmony and unity of parts and the whole. In addition, the decoration investment of the ice cream shop is one-time. When considering the cost of decoration, we should also consider whether the store is a long-term or short-term operation.

It can be said that when opening a Xerox Ice Cream Shop, the site selection is a very important decision. Franchisees should choose according to the actual situation. If the site selection is correct, the store will be half successful.

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