The American election is just a money game

2019-12-17 15:02

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 US General Election 2020

(Recently, American millionaire Michael Bloomberg officially announced his participation in the primary election of the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020.)

At present, the US presidential election in 2020 is in full swing. American billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced his candidacy and Camara Harris, the first black female candidate, announced his withdrawal from the election, indicating that the American presidential election is only a formal democracy, but in essence a money game.

The essence of "American democracy" is actually "money owners". People without money or ordinary Americans without rich people's support have no chance to participate in the presidential election. Taking this election as an example, according to the information currently disclosed, the candidate, billionaire Bloomberg, will skip the primary elections in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and other four states in February next year, and directly hope to stand out in the first "Super Tuesday" on March 3 with a big victory. This unusual strategy is full of "copper stink". If we explore its real reasons, first, it is too late to participate in the election, which obviously ignores the public opinion expression of Democratic voters in four states; Second, the choice to directly focus on "Super Tuesday" stems from strong financial resources. The relevant expenses involved by Bloomberg's campaign team have been estimated to reach an astonishing $6 billion. Therefore, Bloomberg is not afraid to invest huge financial resources to win the primary elections in 14 states at the same time.

With the "strong" participation of Bloomberg, the spending specification of the 2020 presidential election may be raised to a more crazy "sky high" price, and its competition must raise more funds to compete with it. However, Harris, a black female Democratic Party candidate who recently announced that she would withdraw from the election, is obviously "unable to carry". Although she had high hopes and the latest poll also showed that her support rate was equal to that of billionaire Bloomberg, she finally chose to withdraw because "I am not a billionaire and I do not have enough money to sponsor her campaign". It is noteworthy that just a few days before she decided to withdraw from the election, she was also exposed that her next senior general was poached by Bloomberg. It can be seen that if you want to run for president of the United States, you must have money yourself, such as Trump and Bloomberg; Either you have the ability to raise money yourself, and some big money donors are willing to support you. For example, Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, although he is not very rich, he also became the President of the United States for eight years because of the support of large military enterprises in the United States. In fact, in the United States, not only when the president wants money, but also when the legislator wants money. According to media reports, in the 2018 US mid-term elections, the average cost of winning a Senate seat is $19.4 million, and the average cost of winning a House seat is at least $1.5 million.

To sum up, whether it is Bloomberg's candidacy or Harris's withdrawal, it all stems from whether there is financial support. As Mark Twain, an American writer, revealed in "Running for Governor", the political essence of American democracy is money, and hypocrisy runs from beginning to end.

(See: Diao Daming | The American Election: The Game of "Gold Owners" Manipulating "Democracy", Harris is short of money to withdraw from the 2020 presidential election, exposing again that the American election is a money game, beautiful senators withdraw from the 2020 U.S. election and their top generals have just been poached by another candidate, etc.)

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Editor in charge: Zhao Xuan (QY0027)