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Extract of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Socialist Economic Construction

Compiled by the Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee
Published in June 2017

content validity

A series of important statements issued by Comrade Xi Jinping around the socialist economic construction, with lofty ideas, rich connotations and profound thoughts, have comprehensively answered the major questions of how to look at and do with China's economic development, which is of great guiding significance. The content of this book is extracted from more than 120 important documents, including speeches, reports, instructions, etc. of Comrade Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to March 12, 2017. It is divided into ten topics, with a total of 494 paragraphs. Many of them were published for the first time.

Publication background

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has made a major judgment that economic development has entered the new normal, formed a policy framework with the new development concept as the guide and the supply side structural reform as the main line, implemented the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and led China's economic sustainable and healthy development.

Book News and Book Review

1、 Development is the foundation and key to solving all problems in China  

Focusing on economic construction is the key to rejuvenating the country, and development is still the key to solving all our problems. Only by promoting sustained and healthy economic development can we build a solid material foundation for national prosperity, people's well-being, and social harmony and stability. According to the analysis of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, although the international economic situation is still complex and full of variables, China still has rare opportunities and favorable conditions for development. At the same time, China's development still faces many risks and challenges. The problems of imbalance, uncoordinated and unsustainable are still prominent, and some are quite acute. We should keep a clear head, strengthen the sense of hardship, deeply analyze the reasons behind the problems, make good use of the situation, follow the trend, and firmly grasp and apply the important strategic opportunity period of China's development.
——Speech at the First Plenary Session of the Second Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee (February 26, 2013)

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2、 Adhere to the people centered development thought and use the new development concept to guide the overall development  

Adhere to the people centred development thought. Development for the people is the fundamental position of Marxist political economy. Marx and Engels pointed out that "the proletarian movement is an independent movement for the vast majority of people and for the interests of the vast majority of people". In the future society, "production will aim at the prosperity of all people". Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the essence of socialism is to liberate the productive forces, develop them, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and ultimately achieve common prosperity. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) clearly proposed that we should adhere to the people centered development thought, and regard improving people's well-being, promoting people's all-round development, and moving steadily towards common prosperity as the starting point and goal of economic development. In this regard, we must never forget that we must firmly adhere to this fundamental position in deploying economic work, formulating economic policies and promoting economic development.
——Speech at the 28th Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee (November 23, 2015)

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3、 Make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and better play the role of the government  

About making the market play a decisive role in resource allocation and giving better play to the role of the government. This is an important theoretical point put forward by the decision of this plenary session. This is because the reform of the economic system is still the focus of comprehensively deepening the reform, and the core issue of the reform of the economic system is still to deal with the relationship between the government and the market.
——Notes on the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform (November 9, 2013), Selected Documents Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (I)

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4、 Actively adapt to, grasp and lead the new normal of economic development, and strive to promote supply side structural reform  

It is an important task for China's economic development at present and in the future to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development with the strategic adjustment of economic structure as the main direction. At present, whether from the perspective of world development trend or domestic development requirements, accelerating the strategic adjustment of economic structure is the general trend and brooks no delay. International competition has always been a competition of time and speed. The one who moves fast will be able to seize the first opportunity, control the high point and take the initiative; Whoever moves slowly will lose the opportunity and be left behind by others.
——Speech on Investigation in Guangdong (December 7-11, 2012)

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5、 Implement innovation driven development strategy  

I want to emphasize that the development of social productive forces and the improvement of comprehensive national strength ultimately depend on scientific and technological innovation. Historical facts show that a big economic country is not equal to a strong economic country. In the final analysis, a country's long-term backwardness is due to its backward technology, rather than the size of its economy. Historically, China has long been among the world's largest economies, and its economic aggregate once accounted for about one-third of the world. However, due to backward technology and low level of industrialization, China has been repeatedly defeated by countries whose economic aggregate is far less than ours since modern times. Why is that? We are not lost in economic scale, but in backward technology. Because technological innovation and industrial manufacturing lagged behind people, western powers were able to open our country with strong ships. The root of China's backwardness in modern history is technological backwardness. This lesson is too profound! We must firmly remember.
——Speech at the Joint Group Discussion of Members of the Association for Science and Technology and the Scientific and Technological Circles at the First Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee (March 4, 2013)

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6、 Promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization  

China's modernization is very different from that of western developed countries. Western developed countries are a "serial" development process. It took more than 200 years for industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and informatization to develop in order to the current level. We need to come from behind and recover the "lost two hundred years", which determines that China's development must be a "parallel" process. Industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are superimposed.
——Speech at the Ninth Collective Learning of the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee (September 30, 2013)

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7、 Implement targeted poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation, and resolutely win the battle against poverty  

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I went to Fuping County, Hebei Province for my second local survey, and later I went to many poverty-stricken areas. The only purpose of my research in these places is to see the real poor, help the real poor and help the poor. Without understanding the countryside, the poverty-stricken areas and farmers, especially the poverty-stricken farmers, we will not really understand China, we will not really understand China, and we will not be able to govern China well. Leaders at all levels must go to rural areas and poor areas more often to understand the real situation, do well in poverty alleviation and development work with deep feelings, and do the work of poverty alleviation and development more quickly, more realistically and more realistically, so that the people in poor areas can continue to receive real benefits.
——Speech of Guizhou Delegation at the Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress (March 7, 2014)

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8、 Implement the three strategies of the "Belt and Road" construction, the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt  

The development cooperation between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has reached the current level. It is no longer possible to cure headaches and foot pains alone. It is no longer feasible to simply walk around each other. It is not enough to sign several agreements in isolation. Walk around once, eat once, drink once in the past, sign an agreement, hold a ceremony, and then go their own way. This kind of shallow cooperation, even cooperation in form rather than content, cannot solve the fundamental problem. The top-level design must be carried out to guide, lead and promote cooperation.
——Speech at the End of the Investigation in Beijing (February 26, 2014)

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9、 Improve the level of the open economy in a broader range, broader areas and deeper levels  

At that time, China also had doubts about economic globalization, and had misgivings about joining the World Trade Organization. However, we believe that integration into the world economy is the historical direction. To develop China's economy, we must dare to swim in the vast sea of the world market. If we never dare to go to the sea to withstand the wind and rain and see the world, we will drown in the sea one day. Therefore, China has bravely entered the world market. In this process, we choked water, encountered whirlpool, encountered wind and waves, but we learned to swim in swimming. This is the right strategic choice.
——Sharing the responsibility of the times and promoting global development (January 17, 2017), People's Daily, January 18, 2017

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10、 Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability and comprehensively improve the Party's economic leadership  

Adhere to the general theme of seeking progress while maintaining stability, comprehensively improve the Party's level of economic leadership, perform the Party's function of leading economic work, and discuss and focus on major issues. Development is the top priority of the Party in governing and rejuvenating the country. As the ruling party, we must earnestly strengthen the Party's leadership over economic work and do a solid job in economic work. The Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee should regularly consider major issues related to overall economic and social development. Under the leadership of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Central Leading Group for Finance and Economics should study and determine important guidelines and policies for economic and social development and reform and opening up, and study and propose principles and measures for dealing with major financial issues, major productivity distribution, and major construction projects. Party committees at all levels should strengthen their leadership over regional economic work, grasp the objective laws, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee in light of local realities. We should adapt to new changes in the economic situation at home and abroad, highlight the main theme, change the practice of simply attracting investment, focusing on investment, focusing on projects and focusing on production, and shift the foothold of leading economic work to improving the quality and efficiency of development and accelerating the formation of a new economic development mode.
——Speech at the Central Economic Work Conference (December 15, 2012)

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