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Excerpts from Xi Jinping's statement on comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has firmly promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. The political life within the Party has displayed a new atmosphere, won the hearts and minds of the Party and the people, and provided an important guarantee for creating a new situation for the cause of the Party and the country. A series of important statements issued by Comrade Xi Jinping around the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party have provided us with a profound understanding of the significance of the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, an accurate grasp of the basic requirements and key tasks of the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, a firm sense of political awareness, a sense of overall situation, a sense of core, and a sense of alignment, and unswervingly uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, It is of great significance to continue to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and ensure that the Party unites and leads the people to constantly create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The content of this book is extracted from more than 80 important documents, including speeches and articles made by Comrade Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to October 27, 2016. It is divided into ten topics, with a total of 371 important paragraphs. Many of them were published for the first time.

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1、 Strictly govern the Party in an all-round way to ensure that the Party always becomes a strong core of leadership in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics  

Strict governance of the Party should run through the whole process of reform, opening up and modernization, and throughout all aspects of Party building and inner Party life. It should truly be strict with requirements and measures, strict with the top, strict with the bottom, strict with things and strict with people. Through continuous efforts, those "why take it seriously" ideas, "muddle along" ideas, and "can do it" mentality should be effectively reversed and corrected.
——Strictly Administering the Party Must Strictly Manage Cadres (December 14, 2014)

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2、 The first thing for the Party to manage the Party is to manage the political life within the Party, and the first thing to manage the Party strictly is to manage the political life within the Party  

The universal problem of criticism and self-criticism is that self-criticism is difficult, and mutual criticism is even more difficult. The difficulty lies in being trapped by human feelings, being confused by interests, being afraid of making enemies and being burned by fire. In the final analysis, it is selfish and irresponsible, lacking party spirit and responsibility. "Anti listening is smart, internal vision is clear, and self winning is strong." We should dare to face up to our own shortcomings and mistakes and take the initiative to correct them. Dare to point out and help improve the shortcomings and mistakes of others. Reminders and criticisms of comrades should be greeted with joy and an open mind. Self criticism should be reflected on three times a day. Mutual criticism should be carried out anytime and anywhere. Don't wait for minor problems to develop into major problems. We should make criticism and self-criticism the norm of Party life and a compulsory course for every Party member and cadre.
——Speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (January 12, 2016)

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3、 Firming Ideal and Belief, Supplementing the Calcium of Spirit  

For Party members and cadres, the ideological decline is the most serious disease. The "master switch" is not tightened, and public private relations cannot be handled correctly. There is a lack of correct views on right and wrong, justice and interests, power, and career. It is inevitable that all kinds of transgressions, escapes and leaks. If you relax an inch in thought, you will relax an inch in action. A temporary solution to the problem of ideology does not mean a permanent solution. Just like the room needs to be cleaned regularly, the dust on the mind should also be cleaned regularly, the mirror should always be looked at, the clothes should always be right, there is dust, you should wash and bathe, and if something goes wrong, you should cure it.
——Speech at the Summary Conference of the Party's Mass Line Education Practice Activities (October 8, 2014)

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4、 Firmly establish the "Four Consciousness" and resolutely safeguard the authority of the CPC Central Committee  

As a Marxist party, our party stresses politics as a prominent feature and advantage. Without a strong political guarantee, the unity of the Party is empty talk. In China, there was a period when politics took the lead and "class struggle was the key link". That was wrong. However, we can't say that we should stop talking about politics and talk less about it. Is the Communist Party still called the Communist Party if it doesn't talk about politics? "When the outline is abolished, what will not happen?" Here, I want to make it very clear that the political discipline and rules cannot be loosened. Corruption is a problem of corruption, and political problems are political problems. We can't just talk about corruption and ignore political problems. The political problems of cadres are no less harmful to the Party than corruption, and some are even more serious than corruption. On political issues, no one can cross the red line, and once they do, they must be seriously investigated for political responsibility. There are some things that cannot be done in politics. If you do, you will pay a price. No one can make fun of political discipline and rules.
——Several Problems Needing Attention in Current Work (October 23, 2014)

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5、 Insist on putting discipline in front, and strictly observe political discipline and rules  

It is necessary to adhere to the principle that all orders must be followed and all prohibitions must be stopped, and resolutely investigate and deal with all kinds of disciplinary violations, so that all disciplines and rules can truly become "live high-voltage lines" and prevent "broken window effect". In accordance with the spirit of the code, we should sort out the existing systems and norms, revise them, supplement them, and build new ones, so that there are rules to follow in the political life of the Party. Party organizations at all levels have the main responsibility for implementing discipline and rules. They should strengthen supervision and accountability, firmly investigate the responsibility for those who fail to implement their responsibilities, and promote the management of the Party from "loose and soft" to "strict and hard".
——Speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee (October 27, 2016)

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6、 Administer officials strictly, train and select good cadres needed by the Party and the people  

For those young cadres who are accurate, have potential and have prospects for development, we should dare to burden them and arrange them to undergo training in a planned way. This kind of exercise is not for show. It should be multi post and long term. There is no preset promotion roadmap. It is to let young cadres "take responsibility when it is difficult to do great things, and take responsibility when it is adversity and prosperity" in practice. To form a kind of atmosphere, young cadres all rush to hard posts and go to the grass-roots level, and take pride in it.
——Speech at the National Organization Work Conference (June 28, 2013)

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7、 Style building is always on the way  

We focus on harnessing the "four winds", which is to play a role in promoting MuLiXin. Don't always call the wolf. At last, everyone was tired and felt that was not the case. After a while, we passed. In the next few years, we will put forward some requirements every year, with the goal of being pragmatic and honest for the people.
——Speech at the Enlarged Meeting of the Standing Committee of Lankao County Party Committee in Henan Province (March 18, 2014)

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8、 Punish corruption with zero tolerance and fight against corruption  

When the people hand over power to us, we must promise the party and the country, and the party and the country, and do what should be done, and those who should be offended should be offended. If we do not offend corrupt elements, we will inevitably fail the Party and offend the people. Are you afraid of offending hundreds of corrupt elements or 1.3 billion people? If we do not offend hundreds of corrupt elements, we will offend 1.3 billion people. This is a clear political account, popular account! The central government requires cadres at all levels not to be "Taiping officials", and the central leadership should not be "Taiping officials" first. We must not let go of the corrupt elements. To let them go would be a crime against the people and irresponsible to the Party! What is the purpose of our strong anti-corruption and zero tolerance attitude towards corruption? It is to win the hearts and minds of the Party and the people.
——Speech at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (January 13, 2015)

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9、 Strengthen Inner Party Supervision and Play the Role of Patrol Sword  

"Power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption." If there is no restriction on power, the result must be like this. Leading cadres at all levels should bear in mind that no one has absolute power beyond the law, and anyone exercising power must serve the people, be responsible to the people, and consciously accept people's supervision. We should strengthen supervision over top leaders, conscientiously implement democratic centralism, improve the system of openness in governance behavior, and ensure that leading cadres do not abuse their power when they are in high positions, and do not seek personal gains when they are in high positions. Strengthening the restriction and supervision of power operation will affect the comfort of leading cadres. The problem is that the power in the hands of leading cadres is given by the Party and the people. Whether leading cadres use their power correctly and well, of course, they should accept the supervision of the Party and the people. Those who do not want to accept supervision, those who cannot consciously accept supervision, and those who feel uncomfortable accepting the supervision of the Party and the people do not have the minimum quality of being a leading cadre.
——Strictly Punish Corruption in Accordance with Discipline and Law, and Strive to Solve the Prominent Problems Strongly Reflected by the Masses (January 22, 2013)

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10、 Implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party  

There should be equal rights and responsibilities. Whether it is the Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection or other relevant functional departments, they should sign and endorse their responsibilities for building a clean and honest government, and be responsible for their own work. If something goes wrong, we should be held accountable. Never allow the following problems to become a string of numbness and apathy! We should not be indifferent to our own affairs, and we should not be wise to protect ourselves. I have been a good person myself, but where have I put the cause of the Party and the people? If a local corruption problem is serious, and the responsible person acts like a fool and is a good person, it will not be the good person the Party and the people need! If you are a good person in the face of negative corruption, you cannot be a good person in the face of the Party and the people. You cannot have both.
——Speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (January 14, 2014)

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