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Excerpt from Xi Jinping's Discussion on Building a Clean and Honest Party and Fighting Corruption

Compiled by the Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee
Published in January 2015

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   Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, has stood on the overall situation of the Party and the country, comprehensively promoted the Party's construction, adhered to the principle of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, issued a series of important statements, and profoundly explained the major theoretical and practical issues of building a clean and honest government and combating corruption, It provides ideological weapons and action guidelines for further promoting the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption in the new situation.
The Excerpt of the Discussion is divided into nine topics and includes 216 paragraphs of discussion. It is extracted from more than 40 important documents such as speeches, articles, and instructions of Comrade Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to October 23, 2014. Many of them were published for the first time. [Detailed]

Wonderful sayings

1、 The construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption are major political tasks that we must do well  

To achieve the goals and tasks set at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, to achieve the "Two Centenary Goals", and to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must build our Party well. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward clear requirements for comprehensively improving the scientific level of Party building, highlighting that the Party should manage and strictly govern the Party, constantly improve the Party's leadership and governance level, improve its ability to resist corruption, prevent degeneration and resist risks, and enhance its ability to purify, improve, innovate and improve itself, To ensure that the Party always becomes a strong core of leadership in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption are the major tasks of Party building.
——Speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (January 22, 2013)

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2、 The situation of building a clean and honest government and combating corruption is still grim and complex  

In terms of hedonism, they are mainly lazy, unwilling to make progress, pursuing fame and wealth, coveting enjoyment, and paying attention to ostentation and playing. Some people are depressed and their faith wavers. They follow the philosophy of "having fun while you can". Some people pursue material enjoyment, have vulgar tastes, lose their ambitions, indulge in extravagance, indulge in debauchery, and indulge in sensual pleasures. Some choose light things over heavy things, are content with the status quo, are unwilling to work hard, are satisfied with the existing knowledge and opinions, are intoxicated with the achievements already made, do not set new goals, lack new motivation, "the tea newspaper crosses its legs, chatting and watching for time".
——Speech at the Working Conference of the Party's Mass Line Education and Practice Activities (June 18, 2013)

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3、 Strictly govern the Party and strictly observe Party discipline  

These hidden rules seem to be nowhere, but they are everywhere. They sound unreasonable, but they can be unblocked. They have become a cancer that corrupts Party members and cadres and corrupts the Party's ethos. If we let it go, how can we change our Party, government and social conduct? To break the hidden rules, the fundamental policy is to strengthen the clear rules, suppress evil with positive, and make the hidden rules lose ground, access, and market in the Party and society. All Party members and cadres at all levels should strictly abide by the Party's organizational system, laws and disciplines, be loyal to the Party, be open and aboveboard, and be fair and upright.
——Speech at the Special Democratic Life Meeting of the Standing Group of Lankao County Party Committee in Henan Province (May 9, 2014)

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4、 Implement the main responsibility of the Party Committee and the supervision responsibility of the Commission for Discipline Inspection  

Party organizations at all levels should consciously assume the responsibility of implementing and maintaining political discipline, and strengthen the education of Party members to observe political discipline. We should take a firm stand on major issues of right and wrong, and have a clear attitude towards words and deeds that deviate from the Party spirit. We should not leave them alone. Promptly remind and correct any sign of sexual orientation in violation of political discipline, and resolutely stop any act in violation of political discipline. The Party's discipline inspection organs at all levels should put the maintenance of the Party's political discipline first and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of political discipline.
————Strict Political Discipline, Consciously Safeguarding the Unity and Unity of the Party (January 22, 2013), Selected Works of Important Documents Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (I), Central Literature Press, 2014 edition, page 134

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5、 Deeply implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule, and unremittingly correct the "four styles"  

A rule is a rule, and without the word "trial", it means to show a firm attitude and that the rule is rigid. "Trial" makes people feel a little vague. We should follow this rule first. After we do it, we will really push it aside and improve it in a year or two. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has so many regulations that they will not be changed. Anyway, we need to constantly restrain. The most important thing is to implement it, and do what you say and do what you do. What we have said is not in vain. We must do it when we have said it, and implement the contents of the document one by one. We should improve the detailed rules, and the security, news, secretaries, internal affairs and foreign affairs should have their own detailed implementation plans. After the regulations are formulated, everyone should study and implement them, especially the staff around leading cadres. Some things are often asked by the staff around them as a kind of treatment and a kind of right. It seems that if they don't do so, they will be unable to explain, which makes everyone at a loss. Take good care of the staff around you. This is also an important one.
————Speech on Improving Work Style and Keeping Close Contact with the Masses at the Political Bureau Meeting of the Central Committee, (December 4, 2012)

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6、 Punish corruption with zero tolerance and resolutely curb the spread of corruption  

The army does not live in a vacuum, and various negative and corrupt phenomena in society will inevitably be reflected in the army. Comrades of the Military Commission should take a clear stand against corruption, take the lead in abiding by the regulations on honesty and self-discipline, take the lead in abiding by the central regulations on the work and living conditions of leading cadres, and earnestly improve the Party conduct and clean government of the units and departments in charge. We should not only take good care of ourselves, but also our spouses, children and staff around us. We should never seek personal gain, never exercise privileges, and set an example to the whole army with practical actions. We must seriously investigate and deal with the negative and corruption problems reported by the officers and soldiers and the masses. Anyone who violates the Party discipline and national law must be punished according to law, and must not be soft hearted. We said that there should be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the Party. The army is armed with guns, and there should be no hiding place for corrupt elements.
————Speech at the Executive Meeting of the Central Military Commission, (November 15, 2012)

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7、 Make good use of this anti-corruption "sword"  

If there is no focus, there will be no achievements. The inspection work should be clear about the responsibility orientation, the inspection content should not be too broad, and should focus on the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption. The Central Leading Group for Patrol Work should earnestly strengthen its leadership over patrol work. The central inspection team is directly assigned by the central government. It should be a good "imperial envoy", be good at finding problems, and play a deterrent role. We should strengthen the political consciousness of being responsible for the Party, the sense of responsibility for finding problems, and the sense of party spirit of daring to raise problems, and earnestly strengthen the supervision of the leading group of the Party organization and its members, especially the main responsible persons. No matter who they are, they are within the scope of patrol supervision.
————Speech at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee when deliberating the Report on the Research and Deployment of the Patrol Work at the First Meeting of the Central Leading Group for Patrol Work, (April 25, 2013)

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8、 Put power in the cage of the system  

We should improve the system of restriction and supervision over the operation of power, let the people supervise power, let power operate in the sunshine, and ensure that state organs exercise power in accordance with legal authority and procedures. We should be good at using the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to fight against corruption, strengthen national legislation against corruption, strengthen the construction of laws and regulations within the Party to fight corruption and promote integrity, and let the legal system operate rigidly. It is better to take drastic measures to stop the boiling water. We should effectively prevent and control corruption from the source, strengthen the analysis of typical cases, find out the regularity from them, deepen the reform of corruption prone areas and links, and minimize institutional barriers and loopholes. We should strengthen the restriction and supervision of power operation, put power in the cage of the system, and form a punishment mechanism that dare not corrupt, a prevention mechanism that cannot corrupt, and a guarantee mechanism that is not perishable.
————Strictly Punish Corruption in Accordance with Discipline and Law, and Strive to Solve the Prominent Problems Strongly Reflected by the Masses (January 22, 2013)

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9、 Build a strong ideological and moral defense line against corruption  

As senior cadres of the Party, we must always maintain a firm belief in Marxism, communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, strictly demand ourselves according to the standards of Marxist politicians, always put the people at the top of our hearts, and make it our highest pursuit to contribute to the cause of the Party and the people, We have worked tirelessly to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to broaden our mind and vision, enhance our political determination and political acumen, and improve our ability to withstand various risks and tests.
————Speech at the First Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, (November 15, 2012)

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