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Extract of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Comprehensively Deepening Reform

Compiled by the Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee
Published in May 2014

content validity

The Excerpt of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Comprehensively Deepening Reform is divided into 12 topics and contains 274 paragraphs of discussion. It is extracted from more than 70 important documents such as speeches, speeches, instructions and instructions of Comrade Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to April 1, 2014. Some of them are published for the first time. These discussions cover a wide range of topics and are profound in thinking. They are helpful for us to deeply understand the historical inevitability and realistic urgency of comprehensively deepening reform, fully understand the importance and difficulty of comprehensively deepening reform, and systematically grasp the internal laws and key tasks of comprehensively deepening reform, It is of great guiding significance to implement the measures proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee to comprehensively deepen reform. [Details]

Publication background

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Xi Jinping has made a series of important statements around comprehensively deepening reform, summarized and reviewed the great process of reform and opening up, deeply grasped the general trend of domestic and international development, and brilliantly expounded major theoretical and practical issues such as why and how to comprehensively deepen reform. In order to help the cadres and masses learn from Comrade Xi Jinping's important statement on comprehensively deepening reform, the Central Literature Research Office edited the Extract of Xi Jinping's Statement on Comprehensively Deepening Reform with the approval of the Central Committee.

Book Review News

1、 Reform and opening up is the key to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Without reform and opening up, there will be no development and progress of contemporary China. Reform and opening up is a powerful driving force for the development of China, socialism and Marxism. Now, to solve a series of outstanding contradictions and challenges facing China's further development, we must deepen reform and opening up. Reform and opening up is a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China, as well as to achieve the "two centenary goals" and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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2、 Reform and opening up have a direction, a position and a principle

Our reform and opening up has its own direction, position and principle. Of course, we should hold high the banner of reform, but our reform is a reform that continues to move forward on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We neither follow the old closed and rigid path, nor take the wrong path of changing the flag.

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3、 The overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform is to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity

Adhere to the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed in 1992 that it would take another 30 years for us to form a more mature and stereotyped system in all aspects. On the basis of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's strategic thinking, this plenary session proposed to promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. This is an inevitable requirement for the improvement and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and it is the proper meaning for realizing socialist modernization.

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4、 Grasp the internal law of comprehensively deepening reform and adhere to the correct methodology

Reform and opening up is an unprecedented new cause. We must adhere to the correct methodology and promote it through continuous practice and exploration. Crossing the river by feeling the stones is a reform method with Chinese characteristics and in line with China's national conditions. To cross the river by feeling the stones is to feel the rules. To implement reform and opening up and develop the socialist market economy, our ancestors did not talk about it, nor did other socialist countries. We can only gain true knowledge from practice through the repeated process of practice, understanding, re practice, and re understanding.

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5、 Adhere to the reform direction of the socialist market economy, so that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation and the government plays a better role

Without reform and opening up, there will be no development and progress of contemporary China. Reform and opening up is a powerful driving force for the development of China, socialism and Marxism. Now, to solve a series of outstanding contradictions and challenges facing China's further development, we must deepen reform and opening up. Reform and opening up is a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China, as well as to achieve the "two centenary goals" and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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6、 Unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, and constantly promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist political system

To adhere to the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, the key is to adhere to the organic unity of the Party's leadership, the people's ownership of the country, and the rule of law, to ensure that the people are the masters of the country, to enhance the vitality of the Party and the country, and to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, to expand socialist democracy and develop socialist political civilization. We should adhere to the constitutional concept that all power of the state belongs to the people, mobilize and organize the people as widely as possible to exercise state power in accordance with the Constitution and laws, through people's congresses at all levels, manage state and social affairs, manage economic and cultural undertakings through various channels and forms, build, share and develop together, and become a country The master of society and his own destiny.

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7、 Deepen the reform of the cultural system and strengthen the construction of the socialist core value system

With regard to the reform of the cultural system, I just want to emphasize that while we continue to boldly promote reform, promote the overall prosperity of cultural undertakings and the rapid development of the cultural industry, and build a socialist cultural power, we should grasp the relationship between ideological attributes and industrial attributes, social benefits and economic benefits, and always adhere to the direction of advanced socialist culture, Always put social benefits first. No matter what and how to change, the guidance cannot be changed and the position cannot be lost.

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8、 Reform and innovate the social system, promote fairness and justice, and improve people's well-being

Our people love life and look forward to better education, more stable work, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher level of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful environment, and better growth, work and life for children. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission.

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9、 Establish a target system, assessment methods, reward and punishment mechanism that reflects the requirements of ecological civilization

In this regard, the most important thing is to improve the assessment and evaluation system for economic and social development, incorporate the indicators reflecting the construction of ecological civilization, such as resource consumption, environmental damage, and ecological benefits, into the assessment system for economic and social development, and establish a target system, assessment methods, and reward and punishment mechanisms that reflect the requirements of ecological civilization, making them an important guide and constraint for promoting the construction of ecological civilization. In my opinion, we must completely change our concept, that is, we can no longer judge heroes by GDP growth rate, and we must put the ecological environment in the prominent position of the economic and social development evaluation system. If the ecological environment indicators are very poor, the apparent achievements of one department in one place can not be good, not to mention a veto, but this vote must occupy a large weight.

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10、 Building a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics

Correctly grasp the goals and guiding principles of deepening the reform of national defense and the military. This deepening of the reform of national defense and the military is to solve the prominent contradictions and problems that restrict the building of national defense and the military, and build a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. We should accelerate the pace of reform in important areas and key links, further liberate and develop combat effectiveness, further liberate and enhance the vitality of the military, and provide institutional mechanisms and policy and institutional guarantees for achieving the goal of building a strong military. We should adhere to the standard of combat effectiveness to measure and test the effectiveness of reform, make all reforms consistent with the direction and requirements of the military strategic policy, and improve the scientificity of reform planning and implementation.

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11、 We will implement a more proactive strategy of opening up, and improve an open economic system that is mutually beneficial, diversified, balanced, safe, and efficient

We will implement a more proactive opening-up strategy, improve an open economic system that is mutually beneficial, diversified, balanced, safe and efficient, promote the complementary advantages of coastal, inland and border opening, form an open region that leads international economic cooperation and competition, and cultivate an open highland that drives regional development. Adhere to equal emphasis on export and import, and promote balanced development of foreign trade; Adhere to the principle of "bringing in" and "going out", and improve the level of international investment cooperation; We will deepen reform of the investment and trade systems, improve laws and regulations, and create a legal environment for businesses in China to operate fairly. We will coordinate bilateral, multilateral, regional and sub regional opening and cooperation, accelerate the implementation of the free trade zone strategy, and promote connectivity with neighboring countries.

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12、 Leading the battle of comprehensively deepening reform

We should focus on leading the battle of comprehensively deepening reform, strengthen learning and practice, and strive to improve the ideological and political ability, mobilization and organization ability, and ability to control complex contradictions of leading cadres at all levels. Every major reform measure introduced should comprehensively analyze and predict the implementation effect and social response, and prepare targeted work plans. We should strengthen dynamic tracking, be good at finding signs and tendentious problems, and take effective measures to solve them in a timely manner. In the face of possible difficulties, we should be calm and not panic, and rely on the Party and the people to overcome difficulties.

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