What kind of wine does vodka belong to? What is vodka made from- Replay network

What kind of wine does vodka belong to? What is vodka made from?

2023-05-18 16:01:12 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What is vodka


"Vodka is a strong distilled liquor, which is one of the six largest distilled liquors in the world. Vodka is made from grains or potatoes, and has a high alcohol content. The taste obtained through multiple distillation is very pure and strong. Pure drinks are relatively difficult to drink, and are often blended with ice cubes or used as the base liquor for making cocktails."

What is vodka made from

Cereals or potatoes

"Most vodkas are brewed with grains or potatoes as raw materials, and then distilled to obtain 95 degree alcohol with high concentration. Finally, distilled water is added to desalinate the alcohol to reduce the alcohol concentration to 40 to 60 degrees. After activated carbon filtration, unique vodka is obtained."

[Editor in charge: h001]

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