What's wrong with a wireless TV without a signal? How to solve the problem of TV jam?
Time: 2023-07-06 16:13:45    Source: Bee net   
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What's wrong with a wireless TV without a signal?

1. Problems with TV settings. Reconnect the network in Settings.

2. Network connection problem. Check the network set-top box and router at home to see if the indicator lights are on.

3. The network connection failed due to arrears. It is necessary to pay the network fee in time to recover the network signal and watch TV normally.

4. The network cable is loose. Both ends of the network cable need to be plugged tightly.

How to solve the problem of TV jam?

1. Check the network connection, reconnect the router or restart the router;

2. Contact the network service provider to purchase package services and increase bandwidth;

3. Speed limit and network disconnection solve the problem of excessive bandwidth occupation of equipment.