
Global Mobile Internet Conference Tokyo Station Opens Today

GMIC Global Mobile Internet Conference Tokyo Station opened on July 11, during which there will be many keynote speeches, round table forums and high-end interviews. Nearly 100 industry leaders, including Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah, and Lin Bin, Vice President of Xiaomi, will jointly discuss the development and future of mobile Internet.
Sina Technology | 09:47, July 11, 2014

Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah: How does Made in China enter the world?

Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah, delivered a speech at the Tokyo Station of the Global Mobile Internet Conference today, saying that the mobile Internet made in China has unique opportunities in the world, and suggested that more Chinese companies go out to face the challenges of global mobile Internet.
Sina Technology | 14:16, July 11, 2014

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two thousand and fourteen Schedule of Global Mobile Internet Conference Leaders Summit



distinguished guest

five On the morning of May 5: where is the next 5 billion yuan product? Host: Bo Yiqun, Sara Harari, Great Wall Club


Sign in


The opening ceremony

Host, Bo Yiqun, co-founder, Great Wall Club


Keynote: Mobile Internet on the Road

Wu Hequan, Chairman of China Internet Association (former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering)


Keynote Speech&Exhibition: Intelligent Robot Leading Future Life

Ishiguro, Director of the Institute of Intelligent Robotics, Osaka University


Keynote speech: open pattern connecting the era

Ren Yuxin, COO, Tencent


Keynote speech: mobile search for new track

Yu Yongfu, CEO, UC Youshi


Keynote speech: Breaking Banner, InMobi native advertising

Naveen Tewari,CEO,InMobi


Keynote speech: knowledge soars, and online open classes break traditional education

Wu Enda, co-founder, Coursera


Round table forum: new opportunities for mobile Internet
-Big data, big connection;
-How to keep the pace of innovation for large companies;
-Core competitiveness in the era of mobile Internet

Host: Huo Jinjie, General Manager of China, IDC
Guest: Zhang Hongjiang, CEO, Kingsoft
Wang Xiang, Senior Vice President, President of Greater China, Qualcomm
Liu Jiangfeng, President, Huawei Glory Business Unit


Product launch of three major operators

five In the afternoon of May 5: Everything in the future is mobile host: Li Jiao, Great Wall Club


Keynote speech&exhibition: a new era of intelligent robots

Zhilong Takahashi, associate professor, University of Tokyo


Keynote speech: Wang Dao, Shang Dao and Change

Shi Zhenrong, Chairman, Acer Group


Keynote speech: leaping over the quality and quantity of mobile games

Xiao Jian, CEO, CMGE China Mobile


Round table forum: when games meet mobile internet
-Large market and large users;
-Industrialization and mobility of entertainment industry;
-Fission and reconstruction of business model

Moderator: Wen Tianli, Managing Director, Huaxing Securities (Hong Kong)
Guest: Zhang Xiangdong, CEO, Shanda Games
Hu Bin, Co CEO, Zhangqu Technology


Keynote speech: the future of smart cars

Trevor Worthington, Vice President of Asia Pacific Product Development, Ford Motor


High end interview: cloud navigation, new ecology
-Free era: how to expand Xinjiang by map navigation;
-New entry of O2O: integration effect of map software;
-"Soft" Thinking of Maps

Host: Shen Yin, founder, NTA communication
Guest: Cheng Congwu, CEO, Gaode Software


High end interview: the next stop of social media

Host: Wenchu, CEO, Great Wall Club
Guest: Wang Gaofei, CEO, Sina Weibo


Round table forum: cross-border power
-Mobile Internet transforms "entertainment" gene
-Conservation and variables: when traditional Chinese medicine encounters mobile interconnection
-Ecological Way in the Mobile Era

Host: He Yifan, Editor in Chief, Chinese Entrepreneurs
Liu Chun, Senior Vice President, CEO of Liu Chun Studio, iQIYI
Liang Dong, founder of Zheng'an TCM
Zhang Xiangdong, President, Kubon Digital


CCTV2 Dialogue Theme: Who is the Next Good Mobile Application

Moderator: Chen Weihong, Moderator, CCTV2
Tutor: Shen Nanpeng, founding and executive partner, Sequoia Capital China
Li Dongsheng, Chairman and CEO, TCL
Founder of 8 entrepreneurial teams


G20 closed door summit (invitation system)

five Month 6 Sunday morning: Who is the winner of globalization? host: Jérome Scola , Great Wall Club


Keynote speech: intelligent robots change your life

Yoshizaki Airlines, CEO, V-Sido.corp


Keynote speech: LinkedIn: connecting people in the global workplace

Shen Boyang, President of China, LinkedIn


High end interview: Can Facebook connect to the world?

Moderator: Rhett Bai, CMO, guests of the Great Wall Conference: Vaughan Smith, VP, Facebook


Keynote speech: the next decade: mobile internet era

Xiao Hong, CEO, Perfect World


High end interview: the next stop of voice communication
-The prospect of mobile voice social networking
-Realization of traffic: the commercialization path of social networking
-From $1 billion to $10 billion

Moderator: Rhett Bai, CMO, Great Wall Club
Guest: Yuri Raz, CEO, Tango


High end interview: redefining hardware interaction

Moderator: Richard Robinson, founder, Yolu
Guest: Michael Buckwald, CEO, Leap Motion


Round table forum: entrepreneurship and innovation under the globalization platform
-Global vision, local innovation
-Entrepreneurship opportunities for wearable devices
-Integration and competition: how to exploit the market with the help of large company resources

Moderator: Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran, editor, The Economist
Guest: Shen Jin, Global Vice President, Qualcomm
Huang Jiawei, Vice President, Samsung

five Month 6 Afternoon: Mobile New Life Host: Zheng Luchang, Great Wall Club


Keynote speech: accelerate the globalization of mobile games

Shou Angong, CEO, DeNA


Round table forum: the value depression of Internet of Vehicles
-How can cars become smart in the 4G era?
-Automotive applications, new opportunities for mobile
-Crowdsourcing opportunities of automobile interconnection

Moderator: Liu Xiangming, publisher, Commercial Value
Guest: Ma Zheren, Vice President, Tencent
Xia Jun, CEO, Chexiang.com
Zhou Hang, CEO, Easy Access


High end interview: intersection between mobile and robot

Moderator: Cyril Ebersweiler, founder,? HAXLR8R
Guest: Dmitry Grishin, CEO, Mail.ru


Round table forum: closed loop of mobile finance
-Opportunities and changes of Internet finance
-Challenges of third-party payment
-Security: the moat of mobile finance

Moderator: Zhang Feng'an, Editor in Chief, Bloomberg Business Week Chinese Edition
Guest: Ding Ke, Vice President, Tencent
Fan Zhiming, Vice President, Alibaba Group
Chen Tong, Vice President, E Fund
Zhang Lei, General Manager, Baidu Mobile Security


Round table forum: good application in China
-How to create the next product with 100 million downloads- How to find entrepreneurial opportunities beyond BAT?

Host: Lao Weixin, part-time professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Guest: Deng Yuanyun, partner, Nokia Growth Partners Fund
Ji Yue, partner, Sequoia Capital


G-Startup Interview: GMIC Beijing 2013 Innovation Competition Champion Sharing

Host: Shangdi Ai, GMIC Organizer
Nils Pihl, Founder/CEO, Traintracks Nevo Alva, Founder/CEO, Visualead


G-Startup Awards


Closing ceremony

Conference information

  • Organizer: Great Wall Club
  • Time: July 10-11, 2014
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
GMIC Beijing Conference Introduction - Leaders Summit

Several keynote speeches, round table forums and high-end interviews, nearly 100 industry leaders will gather here to discuss the development and future of mobile Internet.

Global Mobile Games Summit

The CEOs of the world's top mobile game companies share success stories and gather the global mobile game ecosystem, including developers, publishers, distributors and investors.

Globalization Session

China is also the world's mobile Internet industry, how to "go out" and "bring in".

Innovation Competition

Gather the world's most promising entrepreneurial team, the most innovative products and the most discerning investors.

Mobile Marketing Session

The best stage for mobile Internet practitioners to communicate with advertisers.

Mobile Value Session

For cross-border applications of mobile Internet, it is a bridge to traditional industries.

Mobile Finance Session

Discuss with the industry how the mobile internet changes finance.

Wearable device special session

Gather the most popular wearable devices and applications.

We Talk

Multicultural intersection, multi-directional thinking confrontation, in the future, "out of control" is inevitable, but also a normal.

Partner Session

Weibo Special Session, Tencent MIG Special Session, Tencent Open Platform Special Session, Baidu 91 Developer Day, UC Jiuyou Mobile Game Special Session, Personal Tweets Special Session, Gaode Developer Special Session, # Mobile Law # Shanglun Special Session

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